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one year and eleven months ago

"So she got the part?" I said out loud, causing my manager to look at me weirdly.


"Isla Olsen," I mumbled, almost throwing my phone away.


"Martinus' current girlfriend," I answered her and continued to scroll down my Instagram feed.

The news of a Camera part two had spread like a deadly virus. The news that I wont be playing in that had also spread, even faster if possible. There were always a negative comment to everything in the world, but somehow, this had more. The inbalance between the good and the bad reactions are so big that I could only see a nice comment once out of hundreds of posts on the internet I saw.

"She looks nice," my manager comments, "people might get awkward because of another person playing you, but I'm sure they'd love the movie just as much as the first."

That's what everyone said about Isla. She looked nice, she looked pretty, she'd be a great actress, she'd somehow make the movie work. I was tired of hearing that.

"The company's asking you one last time," my manager said, "are you sure you don't want to play in the movie, they're starting the shooting next week and if you change your mind you can -"

"No," I said firmly, "I want to have a break."

She sighed again, "if you're so sure then."

With that, she left the room and continued on with her work trying to get me to other things. I gave her one last glace before continuing what I love doing most - eating.

My manager didn't bother me again the next week, and the week after that, and eventually until the shooting ended. She didn't say anything about Camera and things to do with it for a whole year - which was pretty much a God damn miracle because her life seemed to revolve around it at the time.

That one year was peace and quiet and I engaged myself in other things. I started modelling for brands like Cotton On and Billabong, I joined my very first animal conservation project and made it on my very first huge magazine cover. That kept me from thinking about Camera and the wild world that went on there.

I even made my tv series debut.

The small fragments of memories of Camera was slowly fading from the back of my mind, and when I woke up in the mornings, I no longer thought about what Instagram account I should avoid looking at. Instead, I thought about where am I going to shoot my photos on that day. Sure there were moments that when I looked at a certain something, my mind did a one second flashback but I'd snap back into reality and continued on with doing whatever I was doing, the flashback completely forgotten.

There was actually this one moment where I was walking down the street one day and I passed a group of high school kids lounging lazily on a park bench. It was normal at first, I passed and the kids just did what they're doing. But then, I had a feeling that someone was following me so I turned around. One of the kids from the group was suddenly behind me, their face hopeful and I stood there not knowing what to do. Turned out, they just wanted my autograph, but sadly pointing out Camera.

It wouldn't leave my mind for the rest of the day.

But I eventually shrugged it off and I'd forget about it all over again.

One morning though, when I finally thought everything was fine and there'd be nothing that'll remind me of Marcus, Martinus and Isla, my manager knocked on my door and grinned at me.

"They're having a Camera reunion," she announced, "it's going to be a reality show."

ITS SO SHORT IK IK IM SORRY AH but wattpads being a meanie rn and im kind of really tired atm, plus my mind is going bonkers  and im trying to catch up with things. next one will be a pretty lone one, i promise u kids. SLEEP TIGHTT, DONT LET THE MOZZIE BITE <3

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