e p i l o g u e

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Remembering after forgetting is as hard as forgetting after lots and lots of memories. I wouldn't say as hard as 'forgetting after remembering' exactly because let's face it, we all forget what we studied the second exams are over.

Sometimes during that too.

Apparently, this girl, her name is Isla. She was apparently Martinus' girlfriend while I was in the coma and even before that, something happened in between that made her and the boy break up and now, they act as if they don't know each other. When I looked at my social medias a few days after I got discharged from the hospital, I found that I have blocked the two, so I quickly unblocked them and re-followed them. I tried talking to Isla, but we only met each other once and all she said was she's sorry? After that, whenever I try to contact her, she wouldn't read my messages or when I see her out in the streets, she avoided me like a plague.

I go to the therapist's these days to help relieve my memory. So far, I'm doing good. I've remembered what happened a few weeks before I got into the accident. But there's always this person - whom Martinus claims to be Isla - who is blurred out and I can't remember.

"It's okay," the therapist once said to me, "maybe your mind, your head doesn't want you to remember the person."

"But I remember anything else apart from whoever it is!" I reasoned.

"Maybe your brain is doing it to protect yourself," she continued, "there's always a reason, after all, maybe you got your heart broken by this person."

Maybe she's right.

Today is a cloudy Wednesday afternoon, Martinus and I are casually chilling at a servo, sipping from our hot chocolates as we sit down on the chairs, watching as cars fill up their tanks with petrol. It's been a new 'normal' for us to do this. Each time, Martinus would try to help me regain my memories by telling me stories of what happened in the past.

I found out that I forgot more than I expected, but glad that he's the one to retell them to me.

"There was a rumour, you know?" Martinus tells me, not meeting my eyes.

"A rumour about what? When?"

Martinus pauses as if debating on whether to tell me or not. "It was around about the time Camera Part 2 was about to be filmed," he tells me, a faraway look on his face. "Maybe two-three months before?"

"Oh?" I tilt my head to the side while stirring my hot chocolate. "What is it?"

"You know how I told you we were in a movie together called 'Camera'?" he asks me. I nod.

"Well, there was a rumour that ..." he trails off, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay!" I grin at him, encouraging to carry on. "You can tell me, I swear, whatever it is, if it's me doing something stupid, I wont get embarrassed!"

Martinus exhales in relief. "Phew 'cause apparently you had a crush on me?"

I pause, then burst into laughter. "W-what?" I choke out between my laughs. "Seriously? What happened then?"

"You really want me to tell you this?"

I nod sharply.

"Well, apparently - I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything, I'm sorry - but apparently, while filming the first Camera, you caught feelings for me," Martinus explains and my eyes widen in surprise as a make a low 'oof' sound.

"I know right?" he continues, "and then everybody said that you were jealous when I brought Isla to the premiere and you couldn't bear seeing me after that - that's why you didn't sign the contract for the second movie."

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