f o u r t e e n

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s e r a f i n a

Finding herself at the lobby of the twin's hotel surprised her a little. It came into her mind that not even half an hour ago, she said she wouldn't tell anyone.

But she's going to.

The sudden change of heart she had is still a shock to even herself, but rather than waiting for all this to reveal itself in the most humiliating way as possible, she decides it's best for her to say it herself.

"Martinus, hi," Isla smiles a little when she sees her boyfriend step out of the elevator in the distance.

She takes in his smile, having a feeling that in a way, this might be the last time he will ever smile like that to her.

What she did was too cruel, how was her mind so clouded by jealousy?

"Hi," the boy grins, giving her a hug. Isla dodges when Martinus tries to plant a kiss on her forehead, making him frown but goes against on saying anything.

"Can we ... go somewhere?" Isla asks, "somewhere quiet?"

Martinus looks at her, "sure."

"Marcus told me that you looked a bit troubled, you need someone to talk to," he says as they begin to walk aimlessly to find somewhere quiet, "do you want to talk?"

Isla surprises herself by nodding.

"There's just been a lot of things occupying my head right now," Isla starts once they've settled down on a park bench in a small playground with not much people around.

"Well then, let them out," Martinus tells her, "you know you can tell me anything."

"I know, but ..." Isla pauses, feeling a tear blurring her eyes but blinks them back. "I don't know how you'll react, I feel like such a bad person."

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" Martinus asks with a worried tone, "if you are, I - I .. I'm sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to. I -"

"No," Isla cuts him off and for a moment, Martinus looks relieved, muttering a "thank God" under his breath.

"But I have a feeling you will want to after I say something," the girl says in an almost whisper.

The blonde boy looks at her with a frown, "are you okay, Isles?"

Isla takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Should she say something? It's not too late to back out, right? She hasn't exactly said anything to give anything away, she should be good.


Martinus looks at Isla expectantly when she goes quiet for quite a while. He too, has his heart racing as he doesn't know what Isla is wanting to tell him that's got her like this. She isn't a bad person, right?


A million thoughts run through her head, making her unaware that Martinus had called her name several times.


Isla snaps her head upwards. "I ..."

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay," Martinus assures her, "you can talk to someone else. Talking to someone will help, okay?"

Isla takes a deep breath and prepares for the massive truck that's about to hit her.

"I'm sorry," she starts.

"What for?"

"I ..."

"I ate the last pizza slice that's meant to be for you last night."

Martinus pauses,

and laughs.

My wattpad's being weird again HAHAHA it's sad. BUT GDAY HELLO HOW ARE YA? im good bc i finally got out of school (nobody really asked but ...) OH and we reached 100 followersss??????? wow. i literally dont know what to write as a reaction HAHAHA but to get my point across, thank you for supporting this weird girl on her writing dream, i owe you guys:)

have a great day everyone! drink water;)

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