n i n e t e e n

175 21 4

two weeks ago

"Listen here, Sera," she stopped, placing her hands on Serafina's shoulder and turned the girl to face her. "Martinus, he's way out of your league."

"Who said I was interested?" Serafina scoffed, her heart cracking a little. The soon to be nineteen-year-old looked up to face the girl across from her. Isla has her face twisted in a sickly smile, her cold grey eyes icy and honestly, if it wasn't for be being a little angry, Serafina would definitely be terrified.

"Nobody," the girl grinned, tilting her head to the side, "you just kind of... implied it."

Inside her mind, Isla wanted to back off so bad. Martinus told her not to worry about anything, but the more she spent time with Sera, the more her jealousy caught up to her.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Serafina groaned in annoyance, "leave me alone, I don't need drama."

If not driven by jealousy, Isla thought she would've backed off by now. Like they all say, it makes you do crazy things and she guessed, this is one of them.

You just can't help it, though.

"You need them every now and then to live a life, honey," Isla said as she raised her chin high.

"Your dear Martinus," she said slowly as if she's talking to a child, "is out of reach. So stop acting like you're really close to him, because you're not."

"You're his nobody."

Isla was shocked at the words that came out of mouth, a strange twisting feeling made its way to her stomach when she looked into Serafina's eyes. Before she knew it, Martinus' best friend pushed her back with a force strong enough to move her to the side, but not enough to make her fall over.

"You've ruined my Sunday enough already," Serafina mumbled, trying to keep myself cool, "or are you just a crazed fan of mine that wont leave me alone?"

"Just leave. Him. Alone."

Isla felt genuinely offended but sighed inwardly. She's done worse to Serafina.

Well, why not go all the way?

Isla wasn't thinking clearly, all she did was push Serafina. She didn't mean for it to be that strong, all she wanted was something to finally settle it between them.

But all Isla saw was Serafina falling, head first onto an old white wooden fence. It all seemed like slow motion. Isla was horrified. This was too far, what happened to her hands?

Serafina's vision became blurry, and the voices around her were now faint whispers. A small crowd had gathered, she could see their figures cast over her.

Isla was in shock, frozen to her spot as she let out a gasp.


"Oh my God!" she exclaimed, running to Serafina's body lying down on the ground.

Isla was panicking as Serafina's eyes wouldn't focus, it was shaking and the blood on her forehead was getting thicker and thicker. Serafina's arm was sticking out oddly and it gave the girl a massive heart attack.

Fumbling her phone in her hand, she dialed the emergency number.

"Help!" she spoke shakily as well as trying to keep Isla awake. "I need the ambulance, like, now!"

"Of course, sweetie," she heard the voice on the other side told her. "What's your name?"

"My name?"

Isla hesitated. She didn't want to give herself away, but the small crowd around her encouraged her to do it.

"Isla, my name is Isla. Please, hurry!"

"I also need your address."

Isla didn't know where in the neighbourhood she was in. Her anxiety kicked in and she found it hard to breathe.

"Do you need help?" a voice asked, noticing her panic.

"Yes! Please!" Isla cried, handing her phone to the stranger. "I don't know this address."

The stranger nodded and took over.

A sharp, quick pain shot through Serafina's head right at that moment, making her cry. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head... unconscious.


recognise this chapter? yes? this was the prologuee..! but this time, it's more focused on isla but you'll see a few points that tells the story from sera's perspective.

i'll try updating again tomorrow, and guess what? it's gonna be the last official chapter. there will be an epilogue, and heads up for you guys, something big is happening in the epilogue;)

have a great day everyone! to those who are currently sleeping rn, i hope you had a good sleep!:)

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