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three years ago

Cameras started flashing as soon as we step out of the theater, each and one of them blinding my eyes. It would've been better if I wore a pair of sunglasses, I should've came prepared, but me being my stupid self - of course not.

And I should've prepared mentally for what's going on.

The movie turned out better than I was expecting it to be. But as much as I loved it, I vowed to not watch it ever again. It hurt too much. I spent most of the time in there wincing and ended up watching the dark floor instead. It wasn't fun. Especially that Martinus and Isla were now standing right in front of me, hand in hand and waving their hands at the paparazzi. Marcus, he never left my side, he gave me a reassuring smile that made me somewhat better.

I was pulled by an arm all of a sudden, and out of the blue, Martinus was grinning down on me. My head started to pound, I was confused.

"What?" I asked, still keeping a bright smile out of the blue.

"They wanted a group picture," he answered. He brought up a peace sign and grinned at the camera in front of him. Next to me, Marcus mirrored him and all I could do is follow.

I gave a genuine smile when I realised Isla wasn't in the picture with us. One point for me. I know it's not a competition, but I couldn't help it.

When the photographer finished flashing his camera, I almost darted out of the red carpet and hide. It would've been good, and I wouldn't have to face the icky mucky stuff that Martinus and Isla would do Sadly, my mind was stupid enough to think that I can take it and kept on walking alongside Marcus.

The car that had brought me to the event is on the line up at the end of the red carpet. I felt a huge weight being lifted off of my shoulder seeing it, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Marcus who was standing next to me notices how tense I had been all night now and looked at me with concern.

"It hurts doesn't it?" he asked, letting an arm fall over my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"Not as much as I expected it to be," I simply said quietly, "maybe the shock is what's keeping me from breaking."

"You don't have to smile all the time, you know," Marcus said, reassuring me. I looked at him as if he grew another head.

"I can't possibly go on a mental breakdown right now!" I laughed, slapping his arm playfully, "there's too many cameras, I can't do a PDE!"

"PDE being...?"

"Public Display of Emotion, duh," I sighed in an obvious tone.

"Just saying though, if you really want to mask up your emotions," he said, "you should smile more."

I genuinely smiled at him, "thanks, Marcus."

"You're my friend," he grinned at me, ruffling my hair. I raised my eyebrows at him before pulling his left ear.

"Owwiee..!" he exclaimed, "what was that for!?"

"Nothing," I grinned.

We reached the other end of the red carpet, my car rolling in front of me.  Marcus gave me one last encouraging squeeze on my arm before opening the car door for me, although the driver had gotten out to open it himself.

"Take care, eh?"


I smiled at him one last time before stepping into the car. The door closed and with a sigh, the driver got back in. He gave me a nod, acknowledging me before turning pressing on the accelerator pedal.

I let out a heavy sigh and leaned back on the seat, head pressed on the window, my eyes watching Marcus who waved at me. My head was pounding, so I massaged my temples to relieve it.

Somehow, my mind couldn't stop replaying the last thing I saw before sitting down on the seat. Martinus along with Isla still on the red carpet, holding hands, smiling at each other, and sometimes even kissing. In front of the paparazzi. He didn't bother a smile at me to acknowledge my leave. I don't know why I let myself be tortured by that simple glance, but sometimes, I just feel like I do want to be tortured like that.

It hurt so much it's disgusting.

I didn't realise I've slowly been crying until the driver coughed. Looking up, I saw him looking straight into my eyes. I gulped as I saw myself on the rear view mirror. My mascara stain trailed down both of my cheeks, my eyes gave the slightest tint of pink.

"Are you okay, Miss Hildebrand?" he asked.

I didn't answer to him at first. I liked being closed off and kept things to myself, but a certain blonde haired boy and his raven haired lover appeared once again in my head and I almost screamed in frustration.

But I didn't.

"Tout va bien," I forced a smile on my face. He didn't look too convinced but doesn't say anything to push it further.

"If you say so."

That night, I snuggled into my covers with a heavy feeling. Although the premiere had ended, the same hurt feeling tagged it self along with me. I scrolled down my phone, my notifications blowing up. It mostly consisted of congratulations and wows and you did greats. By seeing that, I smiled a little.

But when I placed my phone down on the bedside table, I felt fresh hot tears roll down my cheek again, staining my pillow sheets underneath.


Haha lol maybe maybe not. But um. Im just giving you guys a heads up that i'm trying a new style of writing that ive taken interest in so if it gets confusing then just bare with me. It will get more clearer as the story progresses. In that case i will update A LOT. Since this is a short story as well, I'm also writing the chapters a little shorter. I hope u guys understand❤

Have a great weekend!👌🔥

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