e i g h t e e n

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s e r a f i n a

"Marcus! Marcus!" Martinus comes rushing into the hospital room, his phone waved into the air.

Marcus who was in the middle of braiding Serafina's hair stops to look at his younger brother.

"Careful, Tinus," he says, watching his brother's phone as it dangerously waves in the air. His hand cups in front of him, following the phone in case it drops.

"I found something," Martinus tells him, dragging a chair from the corner of the room to the space next to Marcus.

"What?" his brother asks, leaning to see the phone screen.

"You remember how I said I'll go to the po-po station today?"

"You didn't," Marcus exclaims in a tone of disbelief.

"You bet your ass I did," Martinus exclaims, "they helped me look for the security camera recordings on The Street."

Marcus' eyebrows furrow. "Did you find it?"

"Yes! We did!" Martinus scrolls through his camera roll to find the video clip. "And you wont believe what's happened."

Martinus quickly hands his brother his phone and he presses the play button. He steps back to see Marcus' reaction.

"Oh my," Martinus hears his brother whisper.

"What -?"

"Exactly," Martinus sighs as his brother hands him back his phone. "What do I do? I obviously can't jump into any conclusion because there was no audio."

"As cheesy and predictable as it sounds, Tinus, you need to talk to her."

"But, what if we..." Martinus trails off.

"What if you what?"

"What if we break up?"

"If the reason makes you feel like it's right for you to break up then, I guess, you should," Marcus tells his brother, "if not, then, maybe you should take a break. Not break up necessarily, but maybe go your own separate ways for a while."

"How do you know these things?" Martinus gives a side eye to his brother who laughs, "you've never even dated before!"

"Trust me, I know."

Martinus gasps, "do you have a secret girlfriend!? Oh my! I'm telling mum!"

"What? No!"

Too late, Martinus is already out into the hallways. Marcus sighs, hoping that he and Isla will go well.

Isla is confused as to why Martinus is calling her all of a sudden. They haven't made any plans but he said it's urgent, so she's excused herself from a gathering of her and her friends

"Tinus? Is everything okay?" Isla asks him as soon as they meet.

"The question is, Isla, are you okay?"

"No, not really," she honestly answers, "I have a lot on my mind right now. Anyway, what did you want to talk about."

Martinus shifts on his spot. "I don't really know how to start this, and I don't want to assume things," he starts, saying his words slowly. "But, um, I really need to talk to you about this."

"About what?" Isla asks as he shows his phone to Isla.

Isla stands in horror as she watches the clip the phone is playing. She couldn't believe her eyes, where did he get the video?

"I ..."

"I can't say anything before you tell me your reason, Isla," Martinus tells his girlfriend. "I'm trying, believe me, I'm trying so hard not to be mad. Yet."

"Please tell me that was just an accident," Martinus says, almost pleading.

Isla feels her eyes getting blurry with tears as she tries to speak. "I ..."

"Please ...?"

"I'm sorry..." Isla whispers quietly, her head dropping in shame.

Martinus' usually cheerful expression turns serious. "Why?"

"I was jealous, okay?" Isla explains to him, "I know you've told me many, many times that I shouldn't worry, she's not like that. I now know, and I'm so sorry!"

"Isla, what were you thinking?" Martinus asks, disappointed.

"I don't know," she is sobbing now, "I regret it so much, you don't know how many hours I stay up late just thinking about her. I never opened my mind to know what she's like, I'm sorry."

Martinus pauses, before pulling Isla into a hug and they stay like that for a while.

"I'm sorry," she repeats, crying into Martinus' chest, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I understand," Martinus says, pulling apart.

Isla wipes the tears off her face. "I'm sorry, Tinus, I really am."

"I regret doing that so much, I didn't know what I was thinking, everything was a blur."

"It's okay, Isla."

The girl looks up through her wet lashes. "You're not mad at me?"

Martinus sighs. "I am," he says honestly, "I am but I'm trying very hard not to show it."

"I see."

"Isla, I think we should take a break."

Isla and even Martinus himself is shocked at what he said.


"I need time, Isla," Martinus explains, finding his reason, "I need time to calm down, to think about everything."

"It may take a day, a week, a month, a year," he explains, "but please, I think we should take a break."

Isla's breath hitches at her throat. "O-okay," she shakily answers, "I-I understand."

"I'm sorry."

With one last smile, Martinus turns around. "It's alright, Isla, apology accepted."

But just as Martinus took one step away, his phone rang.

"Martinus? Come to the hospital, quick! If Isla's with you, bring her along!"

•    •


I think im going to finally finish this book if not this week, then early next week. Its sad, i know. Action and camera is a rlly big part of my life believe it or not.

But anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think?😊

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