f o u r

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s e r a f i n a

Marcus and Martinus, the two twins famous for collaborating in a movie with Serafina are sitting quietly in the living room in their house in Trofors, Norway. Their sister Emma is out playing in the backyard, slowly kicking soccer balls into a small net. It's a quiet Sunday morning and everything seems fine.

Keyword: seems.

Marcus is on his fourth piece of homework while Martinus is glued to his phone, smiling like an idiot as Isla sent him a reply to his text.

"Martinus," Marcus calls his brother. Martinus doesn't answer, instead he keeps on giggling at his phone and types something quick before pressing one last button and biting his nails.

"Martinus do your homework," the older brother orders, raising his voice a little louder so the younger could hear.

Martinus looks up from his phone and glances at the pile of books scattered around him. "You're not my mum," he tells his brother.

"But I'm your mum," Gerd-Anne suddenly strolls into the room with her phone up by her ear.

"No homework today," she announces. Martinus does a small fist bump into the air and is about to continue play on his phone.

"Pack your bags, we're leaving to the airport in half an hour," she orders before exiting the room to call Emma.

Marcus and Martinus both don't say a thing at first. Why would their mum say they're going to the airport so suddenly? They glance at one another, their facial expressions mirroring each other.

"Marcus, Martinus, what did I say?" Gerd-Anne scolds as she walks back in, Emma trailing along behind her.

"Listen, you morons," Emma sticks out her tongue at the twins, earning a glare from her mother.

"We're only going for a few days," Gerd-Anne continues.

"Where are we going?" Marcus asks.


"That's very detailed," Martinus mumbles as he walks down the hall to his room to pack his bag. Marcus doesn't follow him, instead he trails after his mum who is walking to Emma's room, picking out clothes for the next few days.

"Marcus, pack," his mum says in a hurry, piling clothes into a  neat tower before exiting the room.

"But why are we going?" Marcus asks, "where?"

"Just pack first, okay?"


"Where's dad?"

"He's looking for tickets."

"To where?"

"Marcus," his mum says sternly.

Marcus frowns, "if we have to go this quick then this is something urgent, am I right?"

Gerd-Anne doesn't reply and Marcus takes that as a yes. He goes up to his room, thinking. What would cause his mother to rush them out so quickly? There are a million thoughts a minute rushing through his head, it's too much.

Martinus, however, isn't stressing out about why they're going so quickly. He leisurely throws a couple of jumpers, jeans and hoodies into a small suitcase; his toiletries and other things he needs before jumping on his bed and plays on his phone.

All he cares about is that he doesn't need to do homework anymore.

"Martinus, help me pack," a voice calls through the door.

"Go away," the younger twin calls back, continuing to play My Little Pony on his phone.

"Come on, Tinus!"

"Go away, Marcus!"

The twin on the other side sighs, walking back to his own room and stares at his cupboard. He pulls out a bag and begins to stuff his clothing in. He doesn't pay attention to what his hoodie looks like, if it will match with his pants, how many hairties he should bring. His mind is too occupied to pay attention to that so all he could do is put everything in.

Once he's done, they have five minutes until they leave. He could already hear the rest of his family rushing out, their things making echoes through the halls.

He follows them, of course. He still has no clue as to where they're going but the facial expressions shown on his parents' face shows it all: "we need to go right now."

They all don't say a thing when the car starts rolling out their driveway. Marcus sets himself on the corner, Steffan the unicorn is placed on his lap.

Then, not long after, a notification pops up on the screen on his phone.

Marcus looks at the link his friend sent him and when he opens it, his eyes grow wide.

Breaking News: Actress Serafina Hildebrand Sent to the Hospital
Early Sunday, actress Serafina Hildebrand was sent to a local hospital in Warnambool, Australia. It was believed that the cause of her accident was a fight between her and a friend. Although it's still unclear what clearly happened at the time, it's sure to leave Hildebrand in a trauma as she has not woken up from her coma.

"Mum," Marcus calls his mum. Gerd-Anne hums in response

"Are we going to Australia?" Marcus asks quietly, worry in his voice.

There's a suffocating silence in the car. Even Martinus has taken a break from giggling at his phone to look at Marcus.


WOOHOO HELLO CRAPPY UNEDITED CHAPTER! I wrote this in record time lol. Hope you enjoyed it❤

Dont forget to vote comment and share! Tell your friends! Your parents! Your parents friends! Your parents friends parents! Everyone! Because Steffan the unicorn has made an appearance😉

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