t e n

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s e r a f i n a

It's been a while since Sera was admitted to the hospital. Two weeks to be exact and she's still laying unconscious on that very same bed. The concussion was worse than what the doctors thought, and it's starting to worry everyone.

Especially Martinus.

The Gunnarsens with the exception of Kjell Erik had stayed from the request of the twins. Emma took it as an advantage of a holiday whole the brothers visit the hospital everyday just to talk to Sera.

If she could hear them, that is.

Isla continues to shoot the reality show every other day, visiting every now and then to ask how she's doing. She still hasn't spoken up about what she knows of the incident. She knows it wouldn't stay hidden forever but she wants to make it unknown for as long as possible.

Newspapers, magazines, gossip websites and celeb update accounts has been updating the world about Serafina's health. Nobody knows how they know, but the media always finds a way and sometimes, it's the wrong information.

This though, they somehow got it correct.

Marcus swears he would throw his phone at the wall if he sees another article about his best friend. He's not mad because it's rumours, he's mad because it's true and he doesn't want to get reminded of it.

When will she wake up?

The hospital room is quiet as per usual. A nurse would sometimes come in and check on Serafina before smiling and leaves.

Marcus finds a pen and starts to draw faces on the fruits visitors continue to give. The visiting hours had just started, but Marcus had managed to sneak into Sera's room. How he managed to that? Nobody knows.

He was expecting Isla to come, she was meant to arrive five minutes ago.

A couple of blocks away from the hospital, Isla frowns over rows and rows of  flower bouquets. They're all really pretty and she just couldn't decide which one to buy.

     yo mac hey
     do you know what
     kind of flowers sera

The shop attendant is already giving her expectant looks and all she does is give the lady a small polite smile and taps the screen of her phone repeatedly.

How she hates people who don't reply in five seconds.

     idk man
     but she likes tulips i guess
     she has a collection of
     them in her house

Tulips it is.

Isla is determined to make everything right with Sera. She called the lady over and asked her if she could get her the flowers Serafina likes.

"Excuse me, miss," the lady says as she's leading her to the display of tulips, "may I ask, who you're giving these to?"

"My friend is in the hospital right now," Isla explains, "she really likes tulips."

"Pink tulips it is then," she says, clipping them.

"Excuse me, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why pink?" Isla asks, eyeing the red-yellow tullips two rows away. "I think she'll like these better," she points to them.

"Flowers have meaning, darl," the lady explains as she cuts the tulip stems, "there are many meanings for tulips, it depends on what colour they are - just as a rose is. They both represent love in general. A pink tulip is mostly known to represent friendship love, I think that's what you want."

Isla nods her head in understanding.

"Do you, by any chance," she speaks again, interrupting the lady who is now walking down to the counter to wrap the flowers, "have ones that mean new beginnings? Forgiveness? Starting over?"

"You haven't been on good terms with her?"

Isla shakes her head.

She walks out of the flower shop not long after, with a bouquet of five tulips and three daffodils.

I hope you guys enjoyed that lol. tbh i dont know what kind of character isla is supposed to be bc im making this story as i go lmao.

HAVE A GREAT DAY GUYS! DONT FORGET TO SMILE BECAUSE IT ONLY TAKES SeVenTeeN MUSCLES TO DO IT (which is 26 less muscles than you use for frowning)


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