t w o

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s e r a f i n a

"I can't even imagine what it feels like when people like us come knocking on your door on a day like this," a man in a bright yellow vest and navy blue clothing sighs as he approaches a small house on the end of a quiet lane. Behind him, a white car with flashing lights decorate the street, causing curious stares from neighbouring houses.

"I agree, Sundays should be a fun day," a woman wearing similar clothing as him answers from beside him, "it must be terrifying."

"What did the girl say her name was?" the man asked, ignoring the buzzing noises that's coming from the walkie-talkie on strapped on to his belt, "Serafina Hildebrand, is it?"

"Yes," the woman answers, "I've seen her a few times on the telly before, she looks like a nice girl."

The two police officers reach the white front door, with a sigh, he man takes a deep breath before knocking the door twice with strong, sharp knocks. He steps back and glances at his female partner, waiting for the door to be opened.

Out comes a man dressed in a simple green t-shirt and striped pants, he scans the people in front of him with complete confusion. Then his eyes bulge wide, realising the people on his doorstep.

"I swear to God, officer," he says quickly out of panic, waving his hands in front of him, "I don't do drugs."

The man in the uniform lets out a nervous chuckle. "Good afternoon, sir," he starts politely, "I'm Officer Jensen and this is Officer Murray." Officer Jensen nods in the direction of the woman next to him.

"I - uh - afternoon, officers."

"Is your wife here, by any chance, Mr ...uh...  Hildebrand?" Officer Jensen asks with a serious tone.

"Okay, what's this about?" the man in the green shirt leans back, "Maria! There are police officers at the door!"

"She's here," he continues.

A lady in bright clothing comes, wiping her wet hand on her pants, "yes, Tony?"

"Ah! How may we help you, officers?" Maria Hildebrand asks brightly, "do come inside, have a cup of tea."

"Oh no, it's okay thank you," Officer Jensen declines, "but we do have important things to say."

Maria and Tony hums.

"You are Serafina's parents, am I correct?" Officer Jensen double-checks. Maria and Tony both nod, the same worried eyes painted in their faces as they search the officers for more clues.

"We have news."

Maria's eyes grow wide, clutching tight on her husband's arm, "oh God! Serafina!" Tony rubs his wife's arm soothingly.

"What's happened to her!?" she exclaims, panic clear on her voice. Maria is now on the verge of crying, "tell me, what happened!?"

"I - I'm afraid, sir, ma'am," Officer Jensen continues, "Serafina had gotten into an accident this morning and -"

"This morning!?" Tony bursts and starts to pace back and forth, "what do you mean by 'this morning'!?"

"I'm sorry we took a long time, sir," Officer Murray apologises, "but we've been trying to admit her to hospitals and such, get her settled in a room - all whilst trying to contact you."

"Luckily, her friend was with her at the time of the accident," Officer Murray says slowly, her eyes observing the parents in front of her, "it's still unclear how she got into the accident, all we know for is that there were some internal bleeding, and fractured bones."

Maria gasps, her head pounding at the news that was brought. Her daughter, her very own baby daughter is going through this right now. She may be eighteen years old, but she's still a little baby to her parents. Their sweet, kind, caring Serafina who used to be so fascinated with soap bubbles that she used to spend her whole summer afternoon making different bubble mixes and trying them out - and never get bored.

She's now lying in a room somewhere at a hospital.

"We need to see her," Maria states clearly, "please, we need to see her!"

"And you will," Officer Jensen assures the woman, "we can get you there, right now if you'd like."

"Or if you'd rather drive then -"

"I'll drive," Tony declares, disappearing to the back and returning with the car keys and a hat sloppily placed on his head.

The two officers nod and heads back out.

"It's good that they're calm," Officer Murray comments quietly as she walks back to the police car.

"Oh trust me, that's the shock acting," Officer Jensen tells her, his frown growing every second, "once they see the condition she's in, who knows what's going to go down."

Maria and Tony follow the police car out of their driveway, their hearts pounding out of their chests and anxiety flowing through them like a river that would never end.

Internal bleeding, fractured bones, what else could there be? What was the cause? How is she doing? There are so many questions inside of Serafina's parents' head that it's hard to find an answer to every single question.

Meanwhile, in a cold, white room in the middle of a hospital, a girl with dirty blonde hair lies in a bed. Her body shaking cold, her throat dry, her arms and head sore. Every time she tries to open her eyes, they wont budge. They're stuck, like someone had suddenly stuck her eyelids down with super sticky glue without her knowing. Every now and then, her head would sting with the greatest pain she's ever felt, before it grows less and less until it's all gone. But then it begins again.

Monitors and screens and cables surround her, as well as doctors and nurses. They speak in hushed tones, loud enough to know they're talking but too quiet to know what they're talking about.  Serafina is curious, she wants to get up and know what's going on. Why she's in this strange room, why the tips of her toes are turning into icicles and why they aren't doing anything about it.

And then, another shot of pain bursts through her head, making her squeeze her eyes even tighter. Her mouth makes the smallest whisper of a wince before she rolls into unconsciousness.

Not much mactinus action yet but hang in there:) AGAIN if this doesnt make sense, wait until the next chapter and ull get the jist of how the story's going to progress in a way....

......have a lit dayy🔥

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