t w e n t y

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s e r a f i n a

Marcus is getting impatient. Serafina hadn't showed a sign of consciousness in weeks and he is starting to lose hope. Surely, as bad as a concussion gets, it wont leave a person unconscious for this long?

What if she ended up being like one of those people who go on a coma for years and years and eventually die?

No, no, no, he couldn't think like that.

Sighing, he looks at his phone that had a message from Tony saying that he's coming up to the hospital in a bit. Nodding, he replies with a quick okay before deciding it wont hurt to go to the bathroom for a bit.

He stares at his reflection in the mirror. The boy he sees, although seeming familiar, is still different. Marcus now has dark circles under his eyes - he stayed up late researching on his phone what could've caused his friend to be in this condition. His eyes are tired and his hair is messy.

Serafina truly feels like his own sister, he couldn't imagine what he'd do if ....

No Marcus, don't think that. He slaps himself on the cheeks into reality.

Walking back to Serafina's room, he can't help but feel uneasy even though he knows there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

When he enters the room, his heart was already unsteady because of panic but what a relief when Serafina is still lying there. Nothing happened. At least nothing bad, and that's an okay.

Nothing to worry about.

However, Serafina's facial expression changed. Before, she looked calm and it's as if she's sleeping. Now, he doesn't know if it's just him, but it looks like Sera has furrowed her eyebrows as if she's in some sort of pain.

Panicking, Marcus presses the nurse button and grabs his phone at the same time - almost falling on top of Serafina.


His hand shakes as he calls his brother, watching his best friend carefully. "Martinus? Come to the hospital, quick! If Isla's with you, bring her along!" he almost screams into his phone as out of the corner of his eyes, Serafina's hand clenches the bed sheets under her as if in pain.

Whilst pressing the nurse button repeatedly, he calls everyone he knows that knows Serafina. His mum, her parents, he even calls his dad who is in Oslo right now, sorting out paperwork for an upcoming tour.

Nurses come rushing in, blocking Marcus' sight from seeing Serafina, but he sees the heart monitor on the side, frowning at rapid beating shown on the screen.

Pfft, her why am I paying too much on the heart monitor, Marcus thought. She's not going to die.

Martinus and Isla burst into the room, widening their eyes in horror when they see Marcus huddled up the corner, frozen to the spot as he stares at the monitor and oblivious to the commotion in the room.

Nurses and doctors have come in and has put more pain killers in her IV.

Slowly and surely, Serafina, who is still surprisingly unconscious calms down and returns to her previous state, almost sleeping.

The medical team exhales of relief.

Marcus slowly stands up from his spot, approaching the bed slowly. "She's okay?"

"I hope," Martinus replies quietly, joining his brother next to the bed.

Isla is standing silently at the back, her head hung low in shame. "I'm sorry," she chokes on her words. "I'm so sorry."

Martinus can't contain it anymore. "This is all your fault!" he bursts, almost breaking down into tears. "If you hadn't gotten jealous, if you held yourself back for even one second, Isla. One second! None of this would've happened!"

Isla cowers in fear. "I'm sorry," she repeats.

Marcus is too focused on watching over Serafina to interrupt.

"Why!?" Martinus cries, his arms stretched in front of him to set across a point. "Why did you do it!? Because of you, my best friend, she nearly died!"

"Imagine me in your shoes, Isla!" he continues, tears spilling through his eyes, "how would you feel if someone you thought you loved, hurt someone else you also love? She was like a sister to me, how would you feel if you lost a sibling!?"

Isla's heart breaks when he used the word 'loved' when he refers to her, and 'love' to refer to Serafina.

"What has Sera done to you to make you do this to her!?"

"Do you want to know the reason!?" Isla raises her voice to defend herself, "do you want to know why!?"

"Amuse me."

Isla pauses, taking a deep breath. She rethinks about everything she's done to Sera. They're not that bad, she tries to assure herself. Is Serafina that sensitive?

"Nothing," she finally says, quietly, "it's nothing, it's Serafina's story to tell."

Martinus tries his best not to burst even further.

"It's all your fault."

Isla bites her lip when Martinus turns around to look at Serafina, her heart clenching. "Please don't tell anyone," she whispers, "I - I understand if you do, but -"

"We wont," Marcus cuts her off, "we still care about your reputation."

"Thank yo -"

Without warning, the nearest monitor lets out a high pitched shriek, making them turn their heads at the sudden deafening sound. They eyes pop out in horror as the once weak heart beat turns into a straight line.

The three let out a piercing scream.

Martinus lets himself be wrapped around by Serafina's parents' arms, gritting his teeth nervously as he tries not to let tears fall. His eyes watch the doctors hurriedly puts an oxygen mask on Serafina and the whole room is commotion again.

Martinus is in panic. What if?

No, Martinus.

Isla is horrified. I killed someone, she repeats in her head like a mantra. I killed someone, I killed someone, I killed someone.

Marcus is frozen to his spot. He didn't even say goodbye to her, she didn't even wake up and now, she's gone.

Because, how would a person who has lost her heartbeat find it again?

"We've got a heartbeat!" one nurse shouts.

Martinus looks up immediately, tearing his eyes from the floor and quickly approaches the bed. They weren't lying.

Slowly, more heartbeats are shown on the monitor, each time getting stronger and stronger and stronger and then it becomes steady.

For the first time in three weeks, Serafina opens her eyes.

Martinus' heart leaps, racing as he rushes by her side. He watches as her beautiful eyes open, wondering the room and finally, landing on him.

There's an unfamiliar feeling at the pit of his stomach when his eyes met hers. It's foreign, but strangely, he likes it. He likes it a lot.

Isla is the first to say something, her eyes brimming with tears of both worry and happiness. I didn't kill her.

"Sera," she breathes out, "oh my God, I'm so so sorry, you don't know how sorry I am. I -"

"Martinus, she's really pretty, who's she?" her voice comes out hoarse, smiling at Isla.

Everyone is frozen to the spot.

• •


how is it? good, bad? weird? im sorry HAHAH but i'm back aftermybrokenpromise:) one more chapter left!! oh my GOOODDD!!!

have a great dayy:))

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