s i x t e e n

203 19 1

s e r a f i n a

Martinus couldn't shake off the feeling that his girlfriend really has something bothering her mind. He noticed that she wasn't as bright and colourful ever since he's arrived in Australia to visit his best fried - who hasn't contacted him for over two years.

That's why he's on his way to the police station right now, figuring out that maybe, the "something" that's bothering Isla has got to do with Serafina.

Even if it isn't, he thought, he'd like to know what really happened back there. Serafina couldn't've passed out just because "she tripped over a rock". There was also a rumour that the girl had an argument with her "friend" and that caused some bull to explode.

He rehearsed what he's going to say through his head, making sure every word, every sentence is mapped out correctly so that there would be no misunderstanding.

The police station is not as busy as he expected. Sure, there are some people lining up for the services but it's not full on packed - which Martinus is thankful for. His intention was to ask if he could see the CCTV recording of that street and it'll be all good.

Someone surely couldn't get a heavy concussion because of tripping over.

"Hi, excuse me," Martinus says when his turn comes, holding his head high. The lady behind the desk greets him with a warm smile.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" she asks, putting her things down and pays attention to the nineteen year old.

"My name is Martinus," he begins, "recently, my friend got into the hospital."

The lady nods, signalling for him to continue.

"Her name is Serafina," the boy continues, "my girlfriend was there at the time of the accident, she was the one who called the ambulance."

"What's her name?" the police officer lady asks, as if knowing where the conversation is going.

"Her name is Isla," Martinus tells her and the lady nods. "You surely have the record? It happened over two weeks ago, almost three. On a Sunday, I think?"

The lady gets where he's trying to go and immediately types something on the keyboard of the computer in front of her, maybe looking for the records. Her eyes scan the screen and her hands trailing along it.

"Isla Olsen?" she asks.


"What do you need?"

Martinus takes a deep breath. "Is there any recordings from a security camera there somewhere?"

"There's a security camera near the place it happened," the lady tells Martinus and his face lights up. "If you'd like to have a look at it, I can get you hooked up with the community security department."

Martinus looks at her with disbelief, luck is on his side today. "Really?"

"Sure thing!" the lady smiles and writes something down on a form like paper, "I just need you to sign here and here, and you can go straight down that hall and enter the third office on the right."

Martinus smiles at her gratefully, happily writing his signature on the paper. "Thank you so much!" he exclaims, and the lady simply smiles and tells him to have a good day.

Soon, he finds himself sitting on a chair inside the office with another officer. Martinus had explained everything to him, and with the record of the emergency call in the officer's hand, they're able to track the security camera down and get it connected to the officer's computer.

"First of all," the officer starts as he rewinds the many footage recorded on the camera, "what was your motive on coming here?"

"I ... uh ..." Martinus stutters, struggling to find words. "I just feel the need to?" he says in a questioning tone. The officers mutters a 'fair enough' and stops at Sunday two weeks ago at 9:12am.

"Is this what you were looking for?" the officer asks, making Martinus snap out of his thoughts.

The boy recognises the familiar figures of his girlfriend and his best friend. He doesn't know what to expect out of this, but he nods slowly. "Yeah," he says after a moment of silence. "Yeah that's what I was looking for."

Then the officer gets up from his heat. "I'll give you some privacy," he tells the boy, and offers him a bottle of water. "Here's some water to drink," the officer leaves the room.

Martinus is frozen to his spot for a moment, unsure of what to do. But he unscrews the lid of the water bottle and presses play on the officers computer, ready to brace himself.

The officer comes back in around fifteen minutes later, shocked to find Martinus glued to his seat and staring blankly at the wall, his face expressionless. The bottle he's holding half unscrewed and his hanging dangerously from his hand.

"Are you okay?" he asks the boy and Martinus looks up at the officer, his face still flat.

"I think," he answers and he pauses. "Is there any way I can copy this? Or maybe send it to my phone?"

"Of course."

Martinus was shocked to say the least, he's not mad - at least not yet. The video had no audio, so he can't jump into conclusions just yet but it's enough proof to question Isla when he returns back to the hotel later.

Isla - to his eye - is a nice girl, perhaps the kindest he ever knew with the exception of Serafina of course.

Sera is the most kindest and most down-to-earth person he's ever met. The two didn't seem like they'd have a feud going on.

Serafina, he thought, deserves someone that's better than him. It's been a secret of his for so long: his small (very small he believes) attraction to the girl. But she's out of his league, she deserves the best - that's why Martinus had decided to step back and try to shake off the feeling.

Just ... don't tell anyone.

Martinus loves Isla though, the best thing that had happened to him.

But maybe now, his love for Isla reduced, even though it's gotten less the tiniest of bits.

Martinus quickly says thank you to the officer once they've gotten the video sent to his phone and he makes his way back to the hotel.

Scratch that - he'll go to the hospital, ready to tell Marcus everything he found out.

"Don't jump into conclusions," the nineteen year old boy mutters to himself repetitively as if it's some sort of mantra.

Martinus sighs for the thirty sixth time today. He counted.

•    •


not many people know this BUT i actually have a wattpad second account (say whaaaaaatttt). i do write things in there but um ... if y'all want to check it out, it's in the link on my bio hAHAHA. it's something that i'm experimenting with, i'm trying to write on different topics and that's where i'm writing it.

oh and other things: one. this book is coming to an end veerryy soon:( i'm trying to keep it short so i can focus on my other writing - which is also coming very soon. two: actually i forgot what i was about to write but i'm publishing another story very very soon.

this is a very long note lol.

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