Chapter 2

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 My day went by too fast. Fast enough for me to want to find more work to do. Everyone left around 8 and 8:30 but I was still buried in work on my desk. Purposely finding more work to do. 

"Have a goodnight Jada." I looked up to see Lay leaning on the door. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he had a sad smile on his lips.

"Can you please-" I sighed pushing some papers to the side. Outside my door the sound of parakeets not yet asleep filled the dark building. "Stop feeling sorry for me."

"What are you talking about?" For a second I thought about whether it was a good idea to say that to him.

"Everyday, its the same thing. Please stop feeling sorry for me, Lay." His shoulders slumped a little.

"Jada, you are my friend. Also my boss. I choose to worry about you and just so you know I am always here for you." His smile was genuine and bright. The one I saw on the faces of my costumers when the pet they got loves them back. The kind of smile I craved to be able to put up. A smile that showed I was truly happy. "Okay?"

He left, closing my door and leaving the room to feel empty. Not soon after my phone rang making me nearly jump out of my seat. Young's picture appeared and I could feel my skin crawl. Nervously I answered the call and put the phone up to my ear slowly. Preparing myself to be yelled at by him again. "Hello"

"Hi babe, I'm missing you please hurry up and get home." 

His voice in this state made my stomach twist inside if me. "I'm trying, I''m stuck at the office though." I lied. 

"Yeah right, just get home. I want to hold you."

If I didn't know better, if I hadn't had phone calls like these before I would think he was being serious. That he was being how boyfriends should. "Okay." I hung up soon after without waiting for him to say another thing. I grabbed my keys and hurried outside locking the door behind me. Heavy rain falls fast on the cement, overpowering the sound of cars on the road. I swiftly got into my car and drove out from, what felt like, my safe house.

Our front yard looked like that from a horror movie. The grass was overgrown and browning. Vines wrapped all up the sides of our house. Mold found it's spot on the trash laying out to the side. An abandoned bike is now forever rooted and rotting into the ground where someone left it. The nightmare was what was inside. Knocked over chairs and dirty clothes all over the floor. I want to believe it was years ago that this house was clean and you could see the actual color of the carpet, but I can't.

A drunken monster always swimming in alcohol and his scared prisoner. If you could ask, you'd probably want to know why his prisoner doesn't just leave. You'd probably think I have more freedom than most women in relationships like this, but I'd tell you I don't. He can let me go anytime, it's my naive heart and stupid brain that keeps me trapped.

Before my lights were off  Young was standing on the porch. His lips contorted in a smile, daring me to get out of my car and into the house. I gathered up everything I had and opened my door. Everything was silent waiting for what happens next. The cars sounded like they stopped and the frogs from the pond nearby were hushed. A few beers rested on the wooden rail next to Young's arm. My throat tightened. "Why are you always coming home so late?" He confronted softly.

"I- I always come at this time." I stuttered. His head shook softly as he stepped down the few steps till he was almost in my face. "It's only 8." I didn't know the time really. I was panicking.

"I can't ever trust you babe." His hand came up and struck my face with a loud smack. I didn't feel it until I was on the ground looking up at him. His face blurred by my tears and I waited for another one. "What are you even doing? No one wants you anyways." He got down to my level and stared me down. "Stop fucking crying all the time!" He threw the dirt beneath him into my face. My eyes stung and tears were now falling freely. He stood up and turned around. pulling my knees up to my chest I buried my face into my arms and sobbed.

For a long time I contemplated sleeping outside as Young won't be letting me sleep in the bed tonight. The frogs started back up and the cars roared on the street nearby. Rain picked back up and I knew outside was not where I was going to sleep tonight. I dusted the grass and dirt off my pants and shirt and ambled my way into the house. 

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