Chapter 23

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Everything in my body ached and I was more than certain my face was bleeding. The ground beneath me was hard and cold. Small pebbles scattered around and the heavy chain on my neck was digging into my skin. I was tired, but I wouldn't dare close my eyes while trapped in this old fashion dungeon. I tried to stand up from my spot only to be weighed back down with the chain. The man who put it on me explained it was to contain me when I turned. My shaky hand found its way to me cheek, which was wet. I wasn't sure with whether tears or blood. I assumed both as I was afraid to look.

There was another girl in here. I could hear her. The men who watched us was always drawn to her more. Her screaming was agonizing, but I was thankful it wasn't me. Young passed by my small room every so often only to stare at me through the bars. It disgusted me how he stared at me like an animal. I attempted to throw a rock at him but missed and hit a window only angering Young. I expected him to come in and beat me up. To just kill me, but someone told him to stay back. "Tell us where they're staying." One burly man demanded to me after opening the bars which separated me from him. He placed a large white bowl down in front of me and stepped back to lean on the wall.

"I won't." I huffed sitting back against the wall. I managed to learn that not moving much made the rubbing of the chain on my skin stop and a certain place on the wall gave my shoulders rest. "I'd rather you just kill me." The words felt like dry lumps coming out of  my mouth.

"Just spill it, princess. Don't you wanna get out of these chains?" He scoffed.

"I'd spend my whole life in these fucking chains if it means you guys stay far away from them." I spat and kicked the bowl in front of me on the ground near his feet. He didn't say another word only left the room without shutting the door. Hairs on my shoulders were standing up as I knew he was just going to get his friend with the scars. The one who intended on leaving them on me.

I watched the door, unmoving waiting to see his face. Instead another man entered. His face looked very much similar to someone I've seen before. Once he was more into the light I recognized him as the man from the library. My breath caught in my throat as I looked down at what was under his arm.

A girl, a woman. He laid her down on the ground in the corner in front of me and dragged a chain attaching it around her neck as it was with mine. Only this chain was a little smaller. "Who is that?" I yelled to him only to get ignored. He moved to the side and finally saw the face under all that red hair. My boss Ashley was unconscious and being chained up like an animal. Like me. He left the room and slammed the what I presume is a heavy door.

I ignored the pain as I crawled over to her dragging the chain along with me "Ashley." I tried. She was still in her work clothes meaning they probably picked her up straight from work. Her lip was bleeding down the side of her face. I attempted to rip a piece of my dress off to clean it. To no avail I just took the corner and pressed it to her skin. "It's alright. Oh god, what have I got you into." I whispered as I tried to clean the blood.

"Nothing." I heard a voice say weakly. I looked down to see Ashley's eyes opening slowly. "You didn't get me involved in anything." I moved away so I was now sitting on my knees. "I knew they'd come for me some day." She chuckled and looked around the room. I was confused. "I'm a werewolf too, Jada." She sighed. "I gave you those days off because Lay told me about the bite. I was bit too." She held up her arm for me to see. "I was saved by a Werewolf too. That is why I'm here." She smiled sadly.

"You haven't turned on them yet have you?" She asked now sternly. I shook my head. "Good."

"Why?" I asked.

"They wait to see your true form to decide whether its worth their time to try and control you or if they should just kill you." She explained looking down at the ground. "They'll try and control you." She said grabbing my arm. A chill ran up my spin at her cold touch.

"How do you know?" She held my arm up so I could see my skin. Scratched and bruise but I knew that was not what she was trying to show me.

"The DNA runs through you so obviously. You are so powerful." She chuckled letting go of my arm for me to examine my skin. My veins in my arm were very prominent and I could see the blood rushing through them. I've realized since my change my blood felt heavier. "You're blood is going through you slower now." She said. She had be reading my mind. "Jada, you have to get out of here. They will do anything to get through to you." She stopped and looked over at the spilled food I kicked over. "You have to get out of here."

"Do you think I would if I didn't have this chain around my neck?" I exclaimed pulling at the heavy chain.

"I'll help you." She smiled. Help me? How? I wondered if she had seen the men out there.

I could see through the windows that daylight was disappearing before my eyes. Ashley slept for most of the time and only woke up to collect the granola bars they threw in here. Although I was pissed off at the situation I couldn't get Kai off my mind. Half of me wanted him to come rescue me, but the other half of me wanted him to stay there. I didn't want him moving on his injured leg, but knowing him no one can stop him from getting up. I laid down on my side using my arm as a pillow for my head. I had rock marks in my ribs from when I laid like this to fake them into thinking I'm sleep. Two days of no sleep and just running on water made my head hurt and I missed Kai's comforting vanilla scent. I missed his body pressed up to me and I missed his kisses. Was he even looking? I knew Kris probably is making him stay in bed. The focus I had on my veins got blurry as I was about to cry. I quickly tried to wipe them away, but only managed to get small rocks in my eyes making me start tearing up anyways.

A sound of shuffling got my attention and I turned expecting just to see Ashley awake, but she was asleep. Young was now placed at the bar looking in my direction. My stomach curdled knowing his eyes were on me. I wanted to scream. Scream for him to go away. For them to let me out. I wanted to scream for Kai. I was scared. For so long I wasn't scared, but right now I really feared for my life. I was bruised up and bleeding. I was being watched like an injured animal because that is what I was. I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

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