Chapter 20

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Changing back to you human form is the strangest feeling. My bare feet were picked at by the sharp branches under me and I didn't move as quickly as before. "Just try to keep this low key. Kris cannot know that I sped up the process." Suho whispered to Kai as we walked back to the house. My limbs hurt and my arms itched. The blood from the bite had crusted over and the sting disappeared. "We can wrap that when we get inside."

"Why did it speed up when he bit me again?" I asked still looking at my hand.

"I'm not entirely sure. I believe its because of an extra dose." He fiddled with his fingers. Picking the dirt from under his nails. "But if that were the case you and Chanyeol would be stronger than us." I wondered why they had to speed up Chanyeol. I let it go after a while just believing he was a slow grower. Inside Suho gently wrapped another bandage around my hand covering new bite on my hand.

It was Tuesday already and I had learned I was a werewolf and in the same day learned how to somehow control it. I'd also witnessed Kris shut Kai down. We were all sitting at the table. Xiumin had left earlier before D.O came home. I wanted to tell Lay about what happened to me today, but then I remembered I had to keep it a secret for a while. D.O cooked grilled chicken and served brown bread with cream cheese spread and avocado slices with it. Dinner was quiet as Kai wouldn't even look up at Kris, Suho was to afraid to say whisper a word, D.O didn't talk much, and poor Lay was to tired to even open his mouth. Mentally I beat myself up for not waking up on time with him. I made a note to apologize for it later.

After Dinner, Kai nominated himself to wash dishes as everyone broke up to go their separate ways. I thought about helping Kai like I did on my first night, but something else was bothering me. It was none of my business. I was leaving sometime this weeks, but seeing Kai to afraid even look at his brother made my heart twist. I made my way up the stairs, it was great that my leg was coming along good and it didn't feel like walking on glass to walk up stairs. His room was adjacent to Kai's. I knocked once and that was enough for Kris to pull his door open meeting me with a blank stern face. I cursed myself for even coming up here. I didn't even know what I was going to say and Kris' face got more annoyed the longer I stood here thinking. "I have to talk to you about Kai." I finally threw out. He stepped aside for me to come in.

His room had a dimmer, older look than compared to kai's room. The foot of his bed faced the large window, which had a nice view of the woods too. Kris walked into his closet and pulled off his shirt. "You can sit." He commented from the closet. I sat on his bed awkwardly, afraid I'd mess up his nice covers. "Jada, you can't be nervous to talk to me now, you're already in my room." I inhaled deeply still thinking about the right words to say to him.

"Well you did yell at me earlier." I noted to him. "I'm not here trying to tell you what to do or anything, but I'm leaving soon anyways so I might as well tell you to just listen to Kai."

"I do listen to Kai." He pulled on a plain t shirt over his bare chest. "He just doesn't listen to me."

"He's trying to." I defended. "He thinks you're shutting him out. Didn't you notice he wouldn't even look at you at dinner?" Kris' face softened. "Whatever the last strike is, it really hurt Kai."

"Last strike is being shunned for life." He explained. My food didn't sit right in my stomach. "I'm not doing this to him on purpose. I'm not even planning on doing that him. That's baby brother. He should know I'm just trying to protect him!" He yelled to me.

"By shutting him down? You told him you were disappointed in him, that you should have never listened to him!" I argued back. "I'm sorry, but shouldn't leaders listen to their followers. Especially when his followers are his brothers!"

"I don't even know." He crocked and came to his bed next to me he head in his hands. Sniffles were coming from his nose and I knew he was crying. "I'm not trying to do this I just don't know what to do." He lifted his head from his hands and rubbed a stranded tear away from his cheek before looking at me. His eyes were red and puffy. "When mom died I was so lost. Lycans haven't always been after us. Now all of a sudden Kai and Sehun are targets." He inhaled deeply and wiped more tears away. I'd thought Kris was a robot it only took this one time, one question to get him crying. "I do know how Kai feels about you and that he's happy. Like I told you before, but it's to dangerous. I do not want to lose him." He sobbed. "Now that I see he's taking on a lot more things I have to step in. Although I don't want to I have to keep him and all of us safe."

"Kris, I understand. I do not know what it's like to have brothers to take care of and protect from Lycans, but I do know how it feels to feel hopeless." I rubbed my hand up and down his back without saying any words until Kris' cries stopped. He looked so vulnerable in this state. "I understand why I should go and I should just say that I want to thank you guys for letting me stay and everything. I do not deserve any of this." My eyes stung with the thought of leaving, but I had to get rid of that feeling because I was not going to cry during this moment.

"I think I'm going to go to bed now." Kris cracked. I stood up from the bed and headed to the door to let him go to sleep.

"Goodnight." smiled before closing the doors. Kai's door was closed, but the light was on. I knocked quietly and waited for the door to swing open as I played with the carpet under my feet. Finally it opened and revealed a shirtless messy haired Kai who smiled at the sight of me. His smile was contagious as I found myself smiling too as I entered his room.

"I talked to Kris." I confessed taking off my shirt I was wearing and going into the closet to find something to wear. I didn't bother with telling Kai to turn around as I got dressed as of last night. I found a shirt of his I really liked and put it on, removing my shorts.

"Why?" Kai asked as I emerged from the closet. He didn't even acknowledge me as I sat on the bed next to him. "He just yelled at you huh?" It broke my heart Kai really felt like Kris was just yelling for the fun of it. He made it a joke that his main thing was to yell at everyone. I really saw a part of Kris no one has  probably seen much of.

"It hurt me to see the way you were." I explained. "He's just stressed. Like I said he's looking out for you guys."

"Stop defending him!" Kai yelled, making my heart jump. "He's kicking you out why aren't you mad? I'm mad he's giving me a fucking warning that he'd basically disown me." I wanted to tell him Kris wasn't even planning on doing so, but I didn't know how to put it. I didn't know if Kris even wanted Kai to know that. I stood at the door for what felt like forever not saying anything. Kai had laid on the bed with his back to me. I'm sure of he was asleep, but didn't bother trying  fin  out and wake him up making him mad at me. I found the blankets he slept on for the first days I was here and made a bed on the floor next to the bed. I couldn't find a pillow so I just made one out of extra blankets and snuggled up in his familiar knitted blanket.

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