Chapter 24

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The bed felt oddly empty upon waking up in the morning. I wasn't supposed to leave the room until I was a little bit healed, but I had to see Jada. I missed her smile. The door to the room was wide open and a odor came from out the hallway. I slowly pushed myself off the bed and limped to the door. The hallway looked the same and nothing was different. What happened? I got to the stairs and was met with a sight that is forever imprinted in my mind. Glass was shattered at the bottom of the steps and I could see the couches were scratched up. Lay stood still in the middle of the living room dressed for work. My chest felt like it was going to cave in when one person came to mine. "Lay, where's Jada?" I asked praying she'd appear around the corner just as afraid as I was. He turned to me with a blank expression and I felt everything around me come down.

My sudden rushing down the stairs caused Lay to move quickly from his spot in the middle of the living room. "Kai, you can't be walking around now." Lay said hurriedly while trying to force me back up the stairs.

"Get off of me! Where is Jada!" I yelled. I pushed Lay to land on the glass at the bottom of the stairs. It was the sound of him hissing in pain which snapped me out. "Oh god Lay!" I rushed down the stairs to his side and helped him off the glass. Pieces cut his hand and drew blood from his skin."Shit." I cussed under my breath and limped off while holding his arm.

Not a single word, let alone whimper left his lips as I dabbed a wet rag over his skin and inspected for left over glass. "I'm so sorry. I let my anger get over me." I tried explaining.

"Kai, you're letting everything get to you." Lay sighed. "This is what they want you to do. Push everyone away until there is no one around to protect you." Lay took the rag from my hand and pressed it hard onto his palm and sucking in air through his teeth. "I do not know where Jada is and I am willing to help you and I'm sure the rest of us are too, but if you're going to be doing this to someone." He removed the rag away for a second and I caught sight of the deep inflections in his hand. " No one will want to help you." He spat. I was taken back by his speech. I was just pushing them away, but I couldn't care about that now. I was focused on finding Jada. Where could she be? I didn't want to assume the worst, but I had no other choice. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to relax. the thought wouldn't erase from my mind.

"Where could she be?" I asked. Lay looked up at me and shook his head and shrugged.

"I think we should talk to Kris." Lay suggested. I peered at him from the corner of my eyes. "Listen Kai, we have no choice and if one person knows anything, it'd be Kris." I exhaled deeply. This was not for me it's for Jada. The one I love could be in real danger. I pushed passed Lay and exited the bathroom trying to ignore my limp and make it upstairs to the rooms.

I swung Kris' door open startling in his bed. "Kai, what's wrong?" He yawned rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "Why are you up out of bed?" I was afraid to open my mouth and tell him already knowing what he'd say. 'I told you so' It burned inside my chest.

"Jada is missing." I finally managed. He stood out of his bed and in front of me. "When I woke up this morning she was not anywhere and the rest of the house-" I moved aside for him to go out through the door. A gasp sounded from him as I watched him look over the mess. "They got in didn't they." I choked. "They took Jada too." It had to be the worst. Lycans wanted her and I knew they'd do anything to get to her. I closed my eyes tightly and inhaled deeply. This has to just be a terrible dream.

I opened my eyes to see Kris enter with his cell phone pressed to his ear. "Who are you calling?"

"Suho." He said quickly before heading into the bathroom to talk. I stood there in the doorway fumbling with the bandage tape on my arm. I turned around and walked to my room. My blanket she had claimed as hers was in a lump on the bed. I wanted to see her breathing gently under there. What if we found Jada, but she's dead? What if Young was there and had already killed her? I couldn't bare thinking about her lifeless. Just a body. I was not going to look at a blanket she cuddled with every night, knowing I couldn't do anything to save her. I needed to hold her because I was scared,but I wouldn't need to hold her because how can I be scared when she was here. I need to know she was safe and I could feel she wasn't. It killed me inside to think I could never see her smile again. My muscles tensed inside of me and I could feel my teeth growing.

"No!" I yelled and turned and landed a punch in the wall. I was angry. Angry at the Lycans who took her. I was ready to kill them. Angry at Kris. Angry at myself. I don't know how to fucking listen now someone will probably be killed. The pain in my arm was excruciating and I fell to my knees causing the pain to shoot up my back. I didn't care. I screamed loud enough for Lay to hear me downstairs. I was yelling for Kris to know I was done with his shit. I was done with my shit. I stood up to collect myself. Lay was standing on the stairs looking at me. Kris leaning on the banister. "I'm going to find Jada."I said.

"This is exactly what I was worried about Kai." Kris said. I turned around and looked at him.

"Kris, because you've managed to never find a long interest ever then please stay out of my mind." I started down the stairs. "I love Jada just like how you love us." I stopped to look at him at the top of the stairs. "Wouldn't you do the same?" I asked and treaded away out the front door. Suho and Baekhyun pulled up. A few cars behind them.

"Where are you going?" Chen asked me.

"I'm going to find Jada and if you want to come I can use all the help I can get." Murmuring sounded from the groups. The front door open and I saw Lay emerge. Kris behind him. "Stop trying to stop me!" I yelled.

"We're not." Kris said. "We're coming with you." I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't have much in me to fight with Kris amd them since I was already in pain. "I think we can track them down from the woods.." He motioned for me to follow him around back. "and yes I would do the same thing." He smiled.

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