Chapter 26

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I must have fallen asleep last night because I woke up to distant old music and yelling. Ashley sat in the corner watching the door. I leaned forward to see what she was looking at. A door was open which revealed three tall people standing around talking. Why they were standing there I didn't know, but Ashley watched them tentatively. "Ashley." I whispered to her. She looked almost stone. "Ash." I said again. Finally her one movement was her eyelids closing slowly then opening for a blink.

"Shut up." She whispered to me. Her finger came up and aimed at the door. I could now see the people in the room were yelling at something in the room. Insults and curses flew from their mouths. The men looked young. Most of them do. Now focused on the the way Ashley had been I could hear snarling coming from the room. A vicious shadow came up against the wall, and I could see the shadow was that of a an animal. A dog. A werewolf. "That guy broke before they even got him in the cage." She trembled. I tried listening to their words, but I was now over came with the growling and yelping coming from the wolf.

"A-A-are they going to kill-" Before I could finish my sentence a gunshot sounded through the hall and a yelp started the silence. Both Ashley and I slapped our hands over our mouths to keep from making noise. They killed him. I couldn't help thinking that that could have been us. That will be us. "We have to get out of here." I said as quiet as I could, but I was certain I said it louder out of fear and being unable to calm my heart rate. I have to breathe. I thought about Kai. His face and his smile. His touch was calming. I thought about him touching me. I closed my eyes to try and focus on him. My heart beat was loud in my ear and I was afraid to open my eyes. Shuffling came from around me and I knew something was wrong.

Slowly I opened my eyes to see I still had skin. As usual my arms looked prickly, but I wasn't a werewolf. I looked up to see Ashley's eyes on me. Her mouth was hanging open and I could only fear the worst. I looked around to see if anyone was around. The hall was still empty. The men in the other room had disappeared. "How did you do that?" She asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Do what?" I wasn't aware that I did anything to gawk at. A laugh came from outside the jail. Young sat leaning against the wall watching us watch him. "What!" I yelled to him. More bodies came into the room and I could feel my blood running cold inside of my body. One of them stepped forward and unlocked the door. Two men came in and headed straight to Ashley's side grabbing both her arms. Young came in and grabbed me. He pinned my arms to my sides as the bald guy from the library took the chain off my neck.

It fell to the ground with a loud clang and my neck felt a wave of relief come over me after the cold metal ceased its rubbing. I was too weak to struggle again his arms, but I wasn't going to let him take me out. Ashley writhed under their grips, but no words left her mouth except for a few grunts.

Young threw me onto his shoulder off the ground and carried me out. I looked back to see they had left Ashley, who was sulking in the corner. The hallway was dark and cold, Eerie mostly. Young's body stopped moving once he stood in front of a wooden door. He creaked it open and stepped inside closing it behind him. On the outside you'd say I looked pretty calm. Like I didn't care that I was being manhandled by a man who beat me for a long time, but if you could see inside my mind you'd see I was actually panicking.

My body was removed from his shoulder and placed in what I could see was a chair. The room I was now in was a little lighter. A dim lamp, close to burning out, was lit in the corner somehow emanating its light all around the small room. The air felt dense and cold and I was instantly hit with an uneasy feeling. My ears hurt from unheard sounds from the rest. Incoherent whispers came from a corner in the room. "You're beautiful, Miss." A darker skinned man had appeared in the room. His arms were crossed in front of him, probably to show he was not afraid, but his face painted a look of fear. "I know where you're from, but I'd hate to assume they did it to you." My eyes shifted from him to Young in the corner. I was surrounded by people who could hurt me I did nothing to any of them. They're after Kai's. " I knew they did crazy things in that house." The man looked over at Young then returned to my face with a smile on his face. "I mean why would they have two doctors and a medical scientist in one family." He chuckled which was joined by a few other snickers behind me. "I thought they were just a bunch of big jokes." The snickering turned into laughing. "Oh I'm sorry." He faked an apology. My heart was beating fast in my chest, but I couldn't let them know it was getting to me. "I can't wait to get a hold of the-"

"Why don't you just kill me and you can leave them alone!" I yelled. I had located the old music was coming from an old radio in the corner turned down low.

"No no oh no we need you, Sweety." The man sighed. "I know how powerful you are and I happen to be terrified of you, just looking at you. You are just one of a few that we were able to get."

"What does that family have to do with it?" I sneered.

"They have full bloods mixed in. Haven't they told you?" He sat in a chair almost next to me. "Honey, You see Im a greedy man. I see something I'll get it." His hands were in his lap, but I could see how anxious he was. I wondered what his plan was. Why and how he was so afraid of me, but he didn't bother to tie me up or anything. I pulled at my thumb nail, which dirt had been trapped under. I wondered why he wanted me and the other full bloods. "Do you want to see something?" He whispered to me snapping me from my thoughts. I was hesitant, but I wasn't afraid of this guy. Not someone who confessed to being afraid of me.

The man stood up from his chair and stood in front of me. "Did you know today will be a lunar eclipse?" He informed as his hands trailed down the buttons on his shirt, revealing a trail of dark skin. Or dark something. My eyes were glued to his chest, but it wasn't a chest. There wasn't even skin. I stared into a black hole. The uneasy feeling from before grew in my stomach and the whispering I tried to ignore had got louder. The light in the room seemed to burn out, but I could still see into the hole. My head spun with what I was looking at.

"W-what is that?" I stumbled. "What a-are you?" A small smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm a witch."

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