Chapter 15

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"What did my leg even look like?" I asked Suho. He had worked on my leg when they brought me in and I had no mind to try and look what's under the bandages. "Like was is broken or what?"

"It was more just bruised and cut. I sewed it back up and wrapped it. It's not broken, but I'd expect it to hurt." The rest of Kai's brothers came for the weekend. I realized that when the rest of his family is here Kai is more around and not stored away in his room or out somewhere else. He was in the kitchen chatting with D.O and Chanyeol.

"Can I see it?" I asked. I looked down at my knee and the way it was wrapped.

"You mean you haven't seen it since I wrapped it?" He looked a little worried at the fact I had shaken my head. "Jada, come upstairs with me." He stood up and helped me up with him. Chen following behind us upstairs. I was beginning to think Chen was like his assistant since he was always around Suho.

Suho walked me passed the kitchen and to the back room I was in before. Everything was changed around. It smelled like cleaning products and plastic. Suho pointed to the bed and told me to sit there. As I sat Chen began unwrapping the bandage. "Did anyone tell you that you had clean your wounds?" Chen chuckled finishing the unravelling of my bandages. "Hopefully it's not infected." He said. He pulled off the wrapping and took the gauze off. The pain once the air hit the wound made me hiss. Suho came over to my leg and examined the stitch work, which was just a simple line from between my kneecap to down to half my leg.

"It doesn't look infected." He said and picked up a bottle from behind him. "This won't hurt." He chuckled noticing I tried to jerked my leg away for a second. He poured the cold liquid on my injury. I watched some drip away onto the floor and what was left bubbled making a small sting form in my knee. "I'm going to re wrap this and you have to promise me that you'll wash it and change the bandage." I nodded agreeing and watched tentatively as he wrapped the tan wrapping around my leg."Have you cleaned that?" He asked referring to my hand. I shook my head and he clicked his tongue in a  disapproving way. "Nothing is going to heal if you don't take care of them." He sighed and started removing the bandage on that. The once very bad bite looked a little less swollen and fake as it did before. The bite marks were still there, but the color around it was disappearing leaving just bite marks. "How is nothing swollen." He chuckled while pouring more liquid on the bites.

   "I'm glad that you're not afraid about- about this." Suho smiled. I paused. I knew what he was referring to and I hadn't really thought about how I felt about this. Yes I was amazed, but I wasn't sure if I was afraid. Everything I read sounded believable it was now I have a way to get the real answers right in front of me. All around me. He got up from his chair and we walked together down the stairs out to the living room reclaiming our seats in the couch.

"Tell me about Werewolves." I suggested. I knew maybe that wasn't the right way to say that because Suho and Chen looked at me confused, but before I could correct what I going to say Suho told me to get comfortable on the couch.

"What questions do you have?" He asked me.

"Ok, I read in a book that werewolves have alphas like wolves in the wild do, so my first question is who is the alpha?"

"We actually have two, Kris and Suho." Chen pointed to Suho who smiled. "Kris is the oldest so he's in charge of this half and Suho is the other oldest so he is in charge of the other half." He explained.

"Xiumin and Luhan are actually the older ones, but neither of them live with us so we kind of taken over." Suho said.

"What is Lycan?" I asked. Chen shifted a little in his seat as Suho cleared his throat. I looked over to see Baekhyun watching us now. Why did they look so uncomfortable at my question? "I mean I read about them in a book. What do they actually look like. Do they stand or-" I looked around the room.

"They're a cross breed between a werewolf and vampire." Kris had entered the room from the kitchen with his reading glasses on. "Lycans are a lot strong than us and will kill anything they want because- well- you've seen it." He removed his glasses. "Lycans have been out to kill werewolves for years. Half of the full bloods, werewolves born from other werewolves were either killed for not joining their side or went over to their side out of defeat."

"Why do they care for the full bloods? There's a difference?" I questioned. Kris placed the tip of his glasses between his teeth and chewed on it for a while.

"Full bloods are born from only full blood werewolves, making them automatically stronger than half bloods which are born from a full blood and human." All this information was making my head hurt. It wasn't hard to understand just weird. It's not everyday you hear about half and full blood werewolves from a werewolf. Well human, but secretly a werewolf. "Kai and Sehun are basically the only ones they'd be really after. The rest of us would just be a prize."

"Aren't you guys all brothers?" I asked.

"You don't think we all came from one lady." Baekhyun laughed.

"Kai and Sehun are the only ones with pure full werewolf blood. Our mom was a full blood werewolf and after a few humans eventually she found another werewolf." He explained. It made sense but sounded pretty crazy too.

"Is they trying to kill-" I stopped realizing everyone was now looking at me. "Never mind." I sighed.

"I think that's enough questions tonight." Suho chuckled getting up from the couch and trying to draw attention from me. My ears felt hot although I didn't even finish my question to him. I could feel

Kris watching me from the kitchen.

"I don't think I should have asked that." I whispered to Lay. He scooted closer to me so our arms touched. "Was it not the right thing to ask?"

"It's not that it's just that, that topic is a very touchy subject." Lay whispered back. I decided to shut my mouth and watch the people converse in the kitchen. "When do you think you'll return to work?" He interrupted. I hadn't really thought about work since. Not only that but since my bruises were starting to disappear and my leg wasn't in bad condition as it was in the beginning meaning I was going to have to go back home, but Young kicked me out. Kris told me that I could stay until my I was better. I may be out on the street. With that thought the thought of going back to Young sounded like a good idea. At least he'd beat me in a house.

My feelings toward him didn't go away just moved over a little for Kai to scoot in a little. I still remember the day I met Young at the Supermarket. I was looking for something and he offered to help. Later on he invited me to go to lunch with him. I swore I thought I'd marry him and I told myself many times that him hitting me was just his way of telling me he loved me and when he yelled at me it was just him trying to correct me as I am younger than him and I know I made mistakes. He loved me, but I loved him more. "Jada." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Lay's voice. "Did you hear my question?" He chuckled.

"Um, I'm not sure. I mean my leg is feeling a little better. I guess I can try going back this Monday." I giggled thinking about how I just spaced out. "I really miss my iguanas." Lay smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.


I felt kind of bad for having feelings of remorse towards Young while still sleeping in Kai's bed. Sleeping couldn't come any closer and when it did Kai would hold onto me closer cuddling into me. My throat burned with the thought of regret and the feeling of crying. I did not deserve Kai or any of his kindness. I did not deserve to stay in this house. I did not want to hurt Kai and it made my stomach churn with the thought that I'm going to have to leave and I'd never get to see Kai again.

He told me how he felt about me and showed me something I should have never known about. I gripped the shirt tightly and pulled him closer even though I couldn't get him any closer to me. I can feel my heart racing thinking about another person laying next to me. I felt my embrace on him tighten and he  shifted next to me. "Jada?"He called. His voice was heavy and raspy with sleep. I didn't reply or make any movements to show I was still awake only closed my eyes and pretended to be sleep.

The night can't go any slower.

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