Chapter 16

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I've noticed that things here started to slow down, but Monday came quickly. Lay told me Sunday that he would drive me to and from work. My leg didn't hurt as bad anymore but Suho told me to not put any pressure on it still for another few days, which I found a little annoying. He told me the pain will still be there just not as bad as Kris tried to get them to leave the house Sunday night.

I woke up to see Lay standing by the door. Kai was still fast asleep with his arm over me. I untangled my arms from him and slipped from his grip careful not to wake him up. "Out. I have to dress." I commanded closing the door on him. I peeked over to Kai to make sure he was still asleep and stripped out of my pajamas. The bruises on my torso were barely noticeable anymore, but I still felt the need to cover up in front of him. I picked out a pair of pants and a plain black shirt. I hurried into the bathroom. The once blue bruise that covered my face was no longer in sight and I could feel a smile erupting in my lips.

I let my hair down and turned on the shower. I unwrapped the wrap on my leg and sat on the toilet waiting for the room to warm up before I removed my underwear. Once steam was rolling over the top of the shower I got naked and stepped into the shower. Water trickled off my nose and  down the tips of my hair down my back. After I washed my hair and body I turned off the faucet and stepped out. Quickly I wrapped a towel around me and got out. After drying off I got dressed and started applying makeup to my face. I wrapped my leg

I met Lay downstairs in the kitchen. He was hunched over the stove, Sizzling and the smell of peppers filled the house. "What are you making?" I asked as I Sauntered in next to him at the kitchen.

"It's going to be great." He flipped whatever it was in the pan over. "Go sit." He said. I made it to the chair behind the counter and sat watching him put slices of meat into the pan and listened to the sizzle. "This is going to be Egg muffins." He replied checking the oven. "But not any muffin." He said shutting the oven. He leaned on the counter next to the oven looking at me. "The best blueberry egg muffins." He grinned and turned back around to pull something from the oven. "Watch closely." He said moving to the side so I could get a good view of what he was doing.

In front of him was a muffin tin with hollow muffin bottoms. "Now Jada, you may be wondering, where the hell are the tops, now hold on there they're not done yet." I couldn't help but laugh at the character Lay had just picked up. "Not done yet?" He said trying to imitate my voice.  "No Jada, we have to add the top." He wiggled around the space in the kitchen as he took a spoon from the drawer next to him. I've never seen so much energy in him before. He's always so quiet but had way of being sarcastic and witty. He was cheeky. "Watch closely." He said again. He dipped the spoon into the pan and scooped up some eggs which he placed on top if the topless muffins. "Bam!" He yelled making me jump a little in my seat. "Look at that!" he exclaimed pointing at the finished muffin. "Give this a little try." He said picking it up and handing it to me. The pepper and ham was visible in the eggs and the blueberry juice was leaving marks on my hand. I bit into it. The taste if the seasonings and peppers was spread out evenly and the ham made the taste stand out more. The muffin around it was crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

I wasn't sure what to tell him because simply saying 'it's great' wasn't going to express how much I loved it. "It's fantastic." I said smiling. He stepped away smiling clearly proud of himself.

"Good thing." He said scooping the rest of the eggs into the waiting muffins. He picked up one a bit into it. "So are you ready to go?" He asked me grabbing a plastic bowel from the cabinet above the stove.

"We can go now if you want." I suggested. He organized the muffins in the bowl and placed the lid on.

"We can eat them in the car." He said grabbing his keys from a hook and walking with me to the door. I stored my crutches in the back seat of his car and got in on the passenger side. Lay settled into his seat and took the lid off our breakfast. The smell expanded throughout the car.

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