Chapter 11

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I knew exactly what got into the house. I knew exactly what Jada was afraid of because I have been afraid of it my whole life. Kris knew exactly what she was cowering about because we've all seen it and now it's seen her. Kris wasn't lying when he said Jada was in danger and the look he gave me was that he feared for her. I waited until Jada went to sleep to sneak out to join Kris in the living room. His reading glasses were balanced on the bridge of his nose and his eyes on his book. "It wasn't a raccoon." I said cautiously. He glared up at me.

"I told you, you guys should have left her back in the woods." He closed the book and removed his glasses. "I fucking warned you! Now he knows she is here." He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"He won't get to her." I tried. 

"How?" He returned with a cup of water and an annoyed look. "You and I both know how many of those creatures are out there. You and I both know they will stop at nothing to kill every single one of our kind!"

"She is not one of us!"

"But she's here like she is!" He slammed the cup on the table, making drops of water splash around the cup. "They can't tell the difference and they don't care." I wanted to slap Kris and tell him that he can't just make me let her go. It won't be that easy anymore. I wanted to scream over him every time he brought up the fact that she is dangerous. She's in danger and needs someone to protect her. Putting her back in the woods would not be keeping her safe. That animal has tasted her. Had nearly changed her into one of them, but I wasn't going to let her go.

I remembered the look it gave me before it bit her. My blood boiled as it just bit into her hand like it owned her. Once it was done he stood over her. In matters of seconds she could have changed. Turned into one of those beasts if it wasn't for Kris causing a distraction so we could take her away. She's still human so I know I've got all the poison from her blood, but I couldn't help but realize her eyes were now turning lighter.

"You making me let her go now will not be keeping her safe!" I know Kris wants her safe. He doesn't want to be guilty for her death. If he didn't he wouldn't have attacked the monster. "I'm not going to let you make her leave."

"I know you won't, Kai. You can't because you've imprinted on her." He sighed. "That's one reason I didn't want her here. When a shape-shifter imprints on a person, he becomes unconditionally bound to her for life and that is not what I want you to experience Kai." He walked over to me and gently laid his hands on my cheek. "You and I both seen the marks on her."

"It was a lyncan." I stated dryly. Kris nodded slowlyI wanted to change this subject. I didn't need Jada to love me, I wanted her to. I wanted to love her. "Are we not going to tell her about it?" I clarified. Kris nodded and I took that as my sign that I was dismissed. I left the living room to go to my room.

Jada had kicked the blanket off her and I could see her curled in a ball on the bed. After tucking her in under the blanket I started making my bed. I placed my big comforter on the floor. I threw a couch pillow down for my head to lay on and laid under my most fuzziest blanket. Jada's soft breathing was the only sound I could hear aside from mine. I tried quieting it to be able to hear hers better. She is so peaceful even though her body looked like she'd gone through a violent battle. I placed my hand up gently on her head careful not to wake her up. Her hair was a perfect combination of soft and curly. She was just so beautiful.

Her soft breathing, and occasional humming, she made as she snuggled deeper under the blanket made it almost impossible for my mind not to think what it'd be like for her to be on me. I imagined her soft lips wrapping mine and me getting lost in her brown eyes. Her soft skin rubbing against mine. I pulled off my shirt as my hands rubbed my stomach thinking about it. My hand trailed deeper down until I could feel how badly I was in need of her.

God she makes me crazy.

I couldn't help but imagine her tiny hands grasping my sheets and me trying to be extra careful as I didn't want to hurt her. "Oh Jada." I whispered and removed my pants. Almost forgetting we were in the same room. My hands finding their way in between my boxers and my skin and my heart felt heavy. I wanted Jada.

I actually needed her.


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