Chapter 10

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I woke up to nothing but pain. Although Kai and I shared a moment, I still felt as though he should sleep on the floor, but he moved a little closer so he could rub my head as I fell asleep. I rolled over to see the spot he was in last night was empty. I sat up slowly and got out of the bed. My crutches were leaned against the wall where Kai left them when we got home. I shifted them under my arm and headed out the door and to the bathroom. I was dressed in a long t-shirt and shorts. My eye was swollen where Young punched me and upon lifting my shirt new bruises were formed on my stomach and side. I looked like a dropped fruit. I pulled my shirt back down and proceeded to brush my teeth with the new toothbrush Kai bought for me. Everything that happened yesterday, played like a record, repeatedly through my head. Kai and I kissed. He kissed me. I ached for his gentle touch. 

I rinsed my mouth and started to the stairs. It was a struggle, but like always I managed to get down without any problems. The house was quiet and I thought everyone had left again when my attention caught onto a person sitting on the couch. I sauntered over to the him to see it was Kris. His attention on a book. "Where is everyone?" I asked. 

"Work. I'm going to guess." He sighed and flipped the page of his book. "Why-" He stopped as his eyes glanced up to my face. "Jada, what happened?" He asked in a panicky manner. 

"These are old." I lied. 

"Jada those are anything but old. What happened?" He questioned. I stayed silent afraid of what he'd say in return. I didn't need him to judge me as I already knew I was stupid for it. I didn't need him to chastise me as I saw him do with everyone else in the house. "I see." He said in a more calm voice. "Come with me." He coaxed. Once again I had to walk up the stairs. I really started to despise these things they used to go up to one room and down to the other. 

We entered the room, Kai called 'the back room' He told me to sit and searched through draws before he finally turned to me with a white tube in his hand. "This will make the bruises color disappear. They'll still hurt, but if you apply this to the areas for at least three days you'd barely be able to see them." He handed me the tube.

"Why didn't they just give this to me before?" I asked checking out the labels. 

"They don't actually know about this." He chuckled. "I've been testing it for a while at my lab and we just now got it right enough for human use." His face almost had the same structure as Kai did, but a little more grown up. You can really see the resemblance to how they could be brothers. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. Nodding me helped me off the bed and got my crutches. 

I thought wrong about Kris. The whole time I thought he was the dark one who hated me. He was actually full of life and was really caring. He showed me how to make French toast; something I never learned. He had a lot of character and expressed himself through hand motions like Kai.

"I honestly really thought you didn't like me at first." I confessed as we sat together on the couch. His favorite tv show was on which drew the tension away. He looked at me confused. "When you first heard I was staying, you sounded like you didn't want me here." 

"I knew how Kai felt about you. He told me when he brought you in. He said you were beautiful and he didn't want you to go." He sat forward and faced me all the way. "I told him to fix your leg and then return you back to the woods, but seeing as he didn't listen, he started developing feelings for you. " He shifted in the seat. "I didn't want you here because I don't want Kai to get to close." He finished and sat back in the seat. "It's too dangerous." I wondered at what he meant by that but decided to leave it alone.

"Kai saved me from getting killed by my boyfriend." I sighed. Kris turned and looked at me. "I cannot stress it enough that I want him to stay away from me. I'm a danger to him and everything." Kris didn't say anything and I felt like he was ignoring me. I shut up and sat in the seat.

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