Chapter 22

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The Lycan's hand came down hard on his leg. A ear piercing left his mouth and I could feel every muscle in me tense. I ran from the safety of the tree and jumped at Kai's attacked. I jumped down on him and pushed him to the ground under me. His claws came up behind me and tried grabbing me off of him, but I latched my jaws on his arm. I didn't let go until and hit me against a tree where I fell and my form wore off. I was human again and in immense pain. Dirt stung my eyes, but I could see large bodies moving over the ones I could identify as Lay and Baekhyun. Kai was laying un moving just an arms length away from me. My heart leaped that he could be dead. I wiped my eyes trying to clear them. I felt a pair of large cold hands grip my sides and pull me up. Sharp claws dug into my skin as I struggled out of my grip. I was not going to let them kill them. I grabbed a rock amd tried throwing it to their face and with no avail I was lifted off the ground. "Help!" I yelled. This was my last resort. A snarl came from the distance and I knew it had to be one of them when the one holding me fell forward almost throwing me.

I landed on my side and turned to see a larger werewolf standing over them. He ripped fur from him and drew blood, which landed on the trees. It was Kris. His teeth bared as he tore the skin of the Lycan who cried out. Blood marked his white fur on his snout. I was almost afraid of Kris. I was to caught up in Kris hurting these Lycans I forgot Kai was still injured. Lay and Baekhyun changed back and so did Kai. I crawled over to the injured boy. Blood marked his skin and ran from his face. He was whispering incoherent curses and groaning in pain as he clasped his leg, I remembered the Lycan had basically crushed.

The growling ceased and we turned to see Kris standing over the bloody remains of a dead Lycan. Red liquid oozed out of him as his head was twisted in an uncomfortable angle. Kris turned around and we watched him return to his standing position. Without any words he walked over between us and picked up the injured Kai, who only hissed in pain. Kris started off home. Baekhyun following behind. Lay helped me up off the ground and together we trudged behind them.

The image of Kris tearing the Lycan wouldn't leave my mind as we entered the house. Kris disappeared with Kai upstairs into the room they called the back room. He emerged from the room in the hallway with his cell phone pressed to his ear. "Who is he calling?" Lay whispered between us as he pressed an wet rag to his arm where blood was running from. Baekhyun had limited to no injuries as I was back to square one with my back in pain and my injured leg was again in pain. Nothing I hadn't experienced before. I held an ice pack to my side as putting it directly on the pain would make in only hurt more.

Kris left the hallway and entered the room again where he taken Kai.  "He's probably calling Suho." I wanted to know if he was ok. Outside Kai was in a stage I wished I'd never seen. I cringed thinking about it. Kris was going to be mad at Kai. He could possibly yell at him for this. Claiming everything was his fault. I didn't want to think about it. I'd rather have him yell at me. This was my fault for ending up in the woods. I should have left Young as soon as I could, but I was stupid. I shouldn't have let him get to close told me, but it was to late. Now he's injured and fights with his brother who, from the start, has only been trying to protect him and his brothers. It made my eyes sting and it could either be from the spreading pain in my limbs and legs or I was really feeling this. Tears escaped my eyes and had caught the attention of Lay and Baekhyun who leaned over to rub my back with words of 'what happened' and 'it'll be alright.' Although the pain they had put on my back was irrelevant. I was already in to much pain with other things.

Suho arrived to the house a few minutes later. He didn't so much as say a word to us on the couch only rushing upstairs to meet Kris out the door. I had to wipe my eyes to see that they were talking about Suho shook his head hastily. As much as Suho looked panicked Kris looked very calm about this.

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