Chapter 18

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I awoke to Jada's bare chest pushed up to mine and our legs entangled under the thin blanket. The sun was appearing behind the blinds and I could hear talking downstairs. I broke free from Jada's embrace and found my boxers from last night. My mind was scrambling with everything we did last night. My back was stinging from where Jada had dug her nails in my skin. She had been doing that in her sleep but I tried to ignore it and let her. I knew what was troubling her and I'd rather not bring it up with her. What I didn't understand was how she managed to scratch through my shirt at night and why they left my back in so much pain. I looked back at her still asleep and slid on my boxers and put on a shirt. I opened my door to be greeted with Baekhyun on his way to the bathroom. "Oh good morning, Kai." He smiled. I replied with a good morning and pushed passed him to get in the bathroom first. He stopped the door from shutting and came in with me. "Kris is mad with you." Baekhyun said unzipping his pants as he stood over the toilet.

"Oh c'mon." I exclaimed grabbing my toothbrush and shielding my eyes from the view.

"Don't pretend you haven't seen it before." He gloated.

"I haven't, and I'd like to keep it that way for the rest of my life." He finished and zipped his pants up. I put my other hand down and used it to get the toothpaste out. "Why is Kris mad with me?" I asked placing the minty paste into my mouth. He seemed fine yesterday and I didn't do anything since I got home. Except what I did with Jada. "Is he just having one of his tantrum" I scoffed spitting out the tooth paste.

"He wants Jada gone." I stopped everything and I felt I was just stabbed. I wasn't sure what my feelings were to feel. I looked at Baekhyun who wouldn't meet my eyes. "He said it's getting to far and he wants her out. He says she's healed up fine and he doesn't want her here because of something-" He trailed off.

"Something?" I asked. "What do you mean something? Jada is fine." My face felt hot, but that could have just been because the bathroom was feeling muggy. "Kris cannot do this." I ran my hand through my hair,s pushing it from my face.

"You have to talk to Kris. I know nothing else other than what I heard him talking to Suho and Xiumin early this morning." I furrowed my eyebrows. Xiumin never came to the houses unless necessary. He was far busy with his life to deal with werewolf drama. Kris rarely talked to Suho other than weekends when they'd come and stay unless something bad was going on. Baekhyun got passed me and opened the door. He left me there without anymore words only a pat on the back. I was speechless and I could feel my blood boiling. Rising inside of me and I could swear I was seeing red. I turned on my heals and hurried down the stairs.

The tv was on but no one was occupying the couch. I peeked into the kitchen seeing nothing. Silently I thought of everything I wanted to tell Kris in my head. I had perfectly thought out insults and arguments."Kai." I turned around to see Xiumin standing there. "Kai, we are in here." He said. His voice was very professional that it scared me how someone who used to have no sense would become so responsible. Chen would spend hours telling me how Xiumin used to get in trouble so much when he was younger. Lay added that one day he just snapped and all of a sudden he was mister serious. I wasn't around yet to see fun Xiumin so I just lived on the memories from the others who were.

I followed Xiumin into the spare office. No other furniture was in the room other than a circle table and a few wooden chairs. "So first of all, how are you little brother?" Xiumin smiled. My hands went cold. I was fine until I hear that Kris wants the  person I love to leave.

"I'm fine." I glummed.

"How are you feeling, Kai." Xiumin said again. I knew he was reading my mind. He was sorting through my feelings, as I was too. I didn't know what to say or do. My head hurt with just everything that was going on. How could Kris do this? He's got to know her and we have treated her like family. I wanted her to be my family too. I slumped into the chair and covered my eyes with my hand. I felt like I was going to cry, but then I thought 'not in front of them'. In front of me Suho wanted to rush to my side but I caught Xiumin put and arm up stopping Suho in his tracks.

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