Imagine 10: 7 Hours To Wait

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*Camila's POV*
We're doing our third concert of the "5 times the charm" tour and a fan throws a bag of Reese's on the stage. "Ooo, we got Reese's here!" Dinah says grabbing the bag. "Hey those are mine!" Lauren says, wiggling the bag out of Dinah's grip. "Camila, Camila!" A fan yells with a box of cookies "throw up I'll catch them." I say to the fan, I catch them and walk backstage to put them down. When I go to walk back out, someone catches my eye. It's Y/N, I haven seen her in 7 hours, because of sound check and rehearsal. "Camz!" She yells. "Y/N!!" I screaming, wrapping her in a hug. "AWWW!!" We hear the crowd screams. "Uh, I think your mics still on there babe!" She says. "Crud!" I say quickly turning off the mic. "I missed you so much, Y/N. I'm sorry we didn't get to spend a lot of time, I had rehearsal, and sound check." I say looking at the for guilty. "It's fine Camila. We here together now. Get back on stage, your fans are waiting!" She says smiling and hugging me. "Sorry guys I'm back, I was talking to someone!" I say and everyone screams. "Ooo, kill em!" The four of my band mates say! "Guys!!" I say blushing everyone laughs. "So, everyone take you phone out and go to twitter, send us any truth or dares and we'll do them." I say, grabbing my phone and winking at Y/N, then walking back on stage. "Okay, time to social media creep y'all!" I say and Ally and Normani laugh. "Here's a good one. It says, who can hold the longest note?" I say. Looking as Lauren and Dinah come back from talking to Y/N. "Okay, what are we doing?" Dinah asks. "We're seeing who can hold the longest note." Says Ally. "Okay y'all count!" I say, pointing at the crowd. "1..2..3!" The crowd says, we are all singing a note, then I tickle, Lauren, Ally and Normani. Lauren and Normani drop out, the Ally tickles me, I push her away and I drop out Dinah an Ally are still going then Ally wins. We finish the show with a snippet of BO$$, I run and wrap my arms around Y/N! "Hey Y/N!" The girls say, joining in on the hug. "Let's go to the tour bus, I'm tired!" I say rubbing my eyes. I feel arms go around me as soon as I get into my bunk. "Mind if I sleep with you in your bunk tonight since. We weren't together that long today?" Y/N says. I turn around and smile. "Of course you can babe!" I say pushing her hair around her ear. "So what you do today?" I asked her. "Stayed in here and slept in your bunk cause it smelled like you and I missed you!" She said. "Awh, I love you Y/N!" I say scrunching my face up and yawning. "I love you too Camila!" She says while I'm still yawning, I close my eyes and smile. "Goodnight 6th Harmony!" Says Ally, looking over at Y/N winking! "I guess we are 6th Harmony now, right?" Says Lauren "I guess, but I don't sing, just being on tour with my lovely girlfriend and my 4 beautiful amazing four best friends!" Says Y/N. "Awh!!" We all say in sync. "Okay lights out!" Says the tour manger. Laughing at all 6 of us! Y/n rolls over and moves in and cuddles with me till we fall and asleep and I say from ear to ear at her cute sleeping breaths.

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