Imagine 12: Mistakes are Made (Part 2)

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*Camila's POV*
I still can't believe what I did to Y/N, I've never hurt someone that much. Making someone cry, run off, pass out from crying so much. But, yet again, Y/N still forgave me, why though? I'm such a jerk. I slide down the wall and cupped my hands into my knees and buried my face in my hands. A few tears came out I really loved her, like a lot. "Camz?" I hear someone say, while opening the door and shutting it. "Hey Lauren." I say looking up. "Camila, why are you crying?" She said sitting next to me. "I'm a terrible person. I hurt Y/N so bad. And even after it all she forgave me!" I said raising my voice a little. "Camila, she did it cause she loves you!" Lauren said. "Where is she?" I say looking her in the eyes grinning a little. "To visit with her family." Lauren said, smiling back.

*Y/N's POV*
I walked onto the tour bus I had been crying cause my dog that I had forever died today and right away I got hugged by Dinah, "where's Camila?" I ask her smiling. "In the bathroom, I don't know why tho." She said walking I the back of the bus. I opened the door while says "thanks Di--n--ah." All I saw was, Camila and Lauren looking at each other, smiling as big as they could. "Hey!" They said smiling. I couldn't believe it, today was just get worse and worse. "..hey.." I said, wiping away a few tears. I climbed into my bunk. "Hey what's wrong Y/N?" Camila said looking at me confused and climbed in my bunk with me. "Camila, please I just wanna be left alone."

*Camila's POV*
"Camila, please I just wanna be left alone." Y/N said. "Something's up. What is it?" I begged her to tell me. "Oh nothing, I just found out my dog I've had forever died, then come here and find my girlfriend smiling at my best friend and acting like nothing happened." She said being to cry and starting to get up. "No, Y/N come back!"I said, wiping her tears away, and kissing her. "Camila please--" she being to say into the kiss but I stopped her by kissing her more and more, finally I stopped. "I love you and I'm so sorry about your dog, and that whole thing with Lauren was nothing. She was help me out with us, because I felt so so terrible about what I did to you. And I want you to know I love you so muc--" I said but got off with Y/N putting her arms around my neck and pulling me in with passion in the kiss. "Damn it Camila! I love you!" She said giving me a really cute hug. "I love you too! How bout we go in the bathroom?" I say, picking her up! "Guess I can't stop you!" She said kissing me. About 10 minutes of kissing in the bathroom me and Y/N come out and get stares "Take a picture it last longer!" Y/N says. We all laugh at her corny but cute joke. "Your so corny it's cute." I say. While Y/N looks in the mirror. "Camila, you gave me a damn hickey!!" She yells at me swatting at me also. "Sorry, sometimes I can't help myself!" I said, stretching my arms out for a hug. "How about another one here?!" I say. "Camila, no!" Y/N says, quickly. "Your so cute I love you Y/N!" I say, smiling at her and scrunch up my face. " I love you too Camila!" She says sitting on my lap and laying her head on my shoulder like a kid, "I love when you do this." I say in her ear, while putting my arms around her waist. "AWH!!" We hear the girls say. "Go away!" I yell at them. "Camila! Don't be so rude!" Y/N says, slapping my arm. "I just wanna be alone with you, that's all!" I say pouting. "It's okay then!" Y/N say. 'I love her so much!' I say to myself, while me and Y/N go back to the way we were.

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