She Cheats Pt.2

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I was lost for words, what was happening where was I going? Why? I had so many questions, yet the only problem was I didn't wanna talk to her. I was still hurting from the previous events that took place earlier. I finally just said to hell with it, put my shoes on, and followed her to the car. The whole car ride was silent, I didnt talk at all. She tried to stir conversation, but after 3 attempts of me not replying, she just let it go. Finally taking into mind that I probably don't wanna talk to her, because of the pain she inflected on my heart. It was hard to bare, it was hard to be around her, it was hard to look at her and not try and be remembered of the imagine of her kissing another girl. We finally arrived to some stadium, me being so curious had to ask her "what are we doing here." She looked over at me smiling and said "you'll see princess" and I swear that even after everything that had happened she still managed to make me smile and my heart beat fast. I rolled my eyes as we got out of the car and was escorted to the back way.

There was no way she was preforming a show and pulling me on stage, they're just wasn't any way. Because the fans didn't know who I was, we hadn't came out about our relationship, though the fans, and people had their speculations of us being together we'd never came out and said it. Camila kissed me on the cheek and ran on to stage. Part of me lit up inside but quickly blew out when I remembered what had happened. It was stick in the back of my mind, no matter how hard I tried to erase it. I stood watching and listening for what was gonna happen, two songs had went by then "Never Be The Same" starting to come through the speakers. She quickly said "stop,stop hang on I've got something to say" the fans screamed.

Camila's POV
This was it, this was my way of fixing it, I was gonna bring her on to stage and let everyone know, it was being broadcasted, seen by my fans, everyone was gonna be able to witness me fess up and take my mistake into consideration and fix it. I turned around to Y/N to see her standing there with her hands in her pockets. "Today I've got a little confessing to do" I softly said into the making keeping eye contact with her. She shifted a little, I could tell she was scared, nervous, and trying to find words but couldn't. I began to speak again "Also today there is someone here who's very special to me and I haven't helped show that to them lately. Please welcome to the stage Y/N." I turned around as I saw her nervously walk up to the stage, the crowd was going crazy. I walked up to her, and grabbed her hand, leading her to center stage, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak. " I know you might have seen this girl around a little bit, she does a  little singing herself. But that's not why she's here, she's here today because I made a huge mistake and I need to confess infront of as many people as possible," I looked over at her and I saw the tears welping, I grabbed her hand, " well to comfirm everything we are together." The crowd went crazy, I quickly hushed them "that's if I didn't mess it up, today earlier I made a mistake of messing with someone behind
her back " everyone got quiet, she looked at me then looked at the floor, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

My heart broke for her, I hurt her so bad, I was such a fool, this girl had so much love for me and I was so blinded to see it. But I knew that this was gonna fix it. "But I'm here to confess, I'm here to say that I know I made a mistake, this girl really loves me, and I didn't even see it cause I was so stupid. And focused on everything else but her. I love her, and that's why I'm standing here today and front of at least 10,000 of you or more. To say this." I turned to her, looking her right in the eyes, to make sure she knew that I wasn't gonna break this promise. " I promise to love you, and nobody else, I promise to give YOU all my attention, I promise to let you know where I am, and that's if you're not with me at all times, I promise to spend so much time with you, I promise to never hurt you as bad as I did this time, and I promise to treat you like a queen that you are. And I promise that in front of everyone right here right now, and if I ever break that promise then all of you, have a free ticket to slap me" I giggled, looking at her as she smiled softly. " So Y/N do you forgive me? Am I still yours?" I asked, waiting so patiently but I was gonna go crazy, if she didn't answer soon. She grabbed the mic outta my hand " I forgive you Camila." She said smiling, I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and I spun her around, as the crowd went insane, I looked at her deep in the eyes, and she looked down at my lips. I kissed her in front of everyone, and they went crazier then last time. I quickly put her down. "Well guys were gonna go spend some alone time together. But I'm sure you'll see pictures and videos soon. We love y'all!" I said waving to the crowd as they waved and screamed. I held her hand as we walked off stage and back to the car.

I know I forgave her way too easy, but she did something I'd been wanting to do forever, and that was tell the fans we're together. We were currently on our way back to the house, as she looked over at me smile then back to the road. "I love you Y/N, I'm still so sorry for hurting you but I promise it will never happen again." She said, and she said it so meaningful it made me smile so hard. "I love you too Camila, and I really hope so because I don't want to feel that pain again" I replied back, kissing her on the cheek. We had just pulled up to the house, when Camila looked at me playfully and said "last one to the couch gets it." And she took off running, "Camila no fair, my belt is stuck." I yelled, quickly unsnapping my belt. I ran fast into the house to of course find Camila on the couch smirking at me. She slowly got up walking to me, with the most playful face ever. I knew where this was going. "Camila no!" I giggled, she smiled. "I told you the last one to the couch gets it" she laughed, as I took off running for the bed. I quickly hid under the covers. "Y/N where'd you gooo!" Camila yelled through the house.

I then heard foot steps come into the room. My heart beat quickened, I then felt a weight straddle me and pin my arms. "Camila stop, no! I know what you're gonna do!" I was already laughing. I became a squirming mess, when she dug her fingers in my sides.  " Camila, baby stop ittt!" I said in between laughs. She moved up to my ribs, as I literally began to scream, squirm, giggle, and laugh all at the same time. "Awww baby got a new spot" she cooed. "Baby stop!" I laughed, louder than I have before. I quickly got my  hands free and I managed to flip us over and now be the one to straddle Camila. "Now what was that Camila, I think you deserve some payback." I said, pinning her arms and digging my finger into her hips, her most ticklish spot. "Baby stop, please, you know not to go there!" She said, after every word was a laugh. She's so cute, when she laughs. "Baby, please, stoppp!!" she giggled then laughed hard. Her face was turning red so I stopped, but I didn't get off. I hovered over her, brushing my lips on her, until she crashed them together I couldn't help but moan against the kiss. Her lips always put me in a trance, I felt her hands go up my shirt, as she sneaked her lips down my neck, biting and sucking at it. I hummed at this action, and breathed out her name, "Camila" she smirked against my neck and sneaked her hands to my ass. Gripping it, "Baby." I warned, "Yesss" she replied all innocent. I whispered in her ear "wait till dinner time and I'll fix up something real sweet." I got up slowly swaying my hips as I turned around and saw her biting her lip and staring me up and down. "Dinner time, better hurry then" she said following me to the kitchen slapping my ass in the process.

Hop you guys liked it! Two updated in two days, I feel like a champ, drop some more ideas, for further imagines. I promise I won't be slacking anymore, I'm here to stay. Love you guys!

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