Imagine 16: The ex texts you

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*Camila's POV*

Well, first of all I just like to say that me & Y/N have been together for a year and 2 months, so anyways. Y/N's on the bus alone, I walk and hear singing in the back of the bus. "Y/N, where are you?" I yell. I think for a second and then I think why am I yelling when I can just go see who's singing. I walk to the back and find Y/N with her head phones in singing. "She sings so beautiful!" I say to myself. The other girls come in and I say "shh, be quite Y/N's singing!" "I wanna hear!" The 4 girls say in unison. "Wow, she is amazing!" Says Ally. And I nod my head in agreement.

*Y/N's POV*

I'm listening to sound cloud, when "Beauty Sings" comes on. I start singing along. But, I have my headphones in so to myself I think I sound terrible, but what I didn't know was the girls where listening to me sing. "let's ride to the sunset, I could be your best friend, love will take us by surprise. And I'll watch you grow, you'll be beautiful. We will spread our wings and will fly." I sang then when I was finished I whispered to myself "That song is so about Camila!" "YASSS BABE!" I hear Camila say, while the other girls are clapping. "Guys, were you listening to me sing?" I say blushing and cover my face into a pillow. They all walk over me and start poking me, which cause me to squeal. "Awh!" Lauren cooed at me. "Shut up Jerks. I know I suck." I say, getting a little teary eyed. "I'm go for a walk." I say, sadness in my voice. "I'll come with." Says Camila. "Camila, I kinda just wanna be alone right now." I say, and you can tell her heart drops. But, I was serious. I'm a little upset. My ex texted me and I don't know what to do.

*Camila's POV*

"What's wrong with her, she's seemed so down lately?" Asks Dinah. "I'm not sure, I don't like it." I say, feeling tears form in my eyes. "I'm gonna go talk to her." I say getting up and grabbing my backpack, putting two water bottles in it, and grabbing my phone. "I'll be back guys!" I say walking off the bus. I find Y/N on a bench, with her head on her knee caps I quietly sit down by her. "Why do I have to feel these things." She asks herself. "I love Camila, and she's my everything, I'm not having him ruin me from having my everything." She say, again to herself. I smile because she so loyal, but who is she talking about, who's him? I wonder to myself. "I brought you some water." I say handing it to her. "Thanks!" She says, then after two seconds she jumps up and spray the water out of her mouth. "Camila, how much did you hear." She asks, acting like she's about to cry her eyes out. "Just that your not letting him take me from you cause I'm your everything." I say, pull her into a hug. "I'm sorry Camila, I don't love him I swear, I love you, an only you." She say, pushing her face into my neck. "I know and I love you too. Just tell me what's been up with you lately." I say sitting down and placing her on my lap. "Okay so, a couple days ago....I..I.. Cut. And Camila, before you get mad. Or break up with me, I'm sorry. I did it cause I've been having so many problems. My ex has been texting me a lot, telling me he still loves me. When I know that it's not true. And I can't keep having these feelings. So I cut, I'm truly sorry Camila. But, I don't love him. I promise, I only love you. So don't think I'm gonna leave you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Camila. Ever since I saw your cute little self walk on that stage, at X-Factor. Throughout every TwitCam or UStream, since your first album was out. There was something about that giggle, that smile, that little dance you did when you were happy. I love you Camila, I can't imag-" she said, but I cut her off my kissing her lips with so much passion. "Y/N I love you so much. How about we go back to the bus and us and the girls can watch a movie and we can cuddle?" I ask. She shakes her head. I bend down and say "Hop on babe!" I say. "Your so cute." She says breathing on my neck, which for some reason cause me to giggle. "Awh, is someone's neck ticklish?" She asking teasing me. "Yes." I say shyly. "Your so cute Camila." She says. "Not as cute as you." I say as I carry her up the bus steps. And we go to the back with the girls and watch Frozen. And me and Y/N hold hands, and she has her head on my shoulder the entire movie. Before she drifts off into a deep sleep. I carry her to my bunk and place her in it, I kiss her forehead, "I love you Mila." She says sleepy. "I love you too Y/N." I say. Wrapping my arms around her protectively.

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