Imagine 11: Mistakes Are Made

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*Camilas POV*
I get out of the bathroom and walk by Y/N's bunk, I wink at her and keep walking. Of course like I thought Y/N is following behind me. I turn around really fast and we trip on each other and she's on top of me. We stare into each other's eyes. "Oh hey guys!" Lauren says. "Oh, sorry Lauren!" I say, getting up. "Guys, it's cool. I don't care!" Lauren says, laughing at us! "Shut up! Asshole!" Y/N says. "Uh oh, your cursed! You know what this means!" Says Ally's to her. "Guys I'm sorry it slipped out!" That's not how it works, you do something wrong you get punishment." Lauren says, pinning down Y/N and she squeals and that makes me laugh.

*Y/N's POV*
At the moment I being pinned down by Lauren, Ally and Dinah. Dinah had came in when she heard me squeal and asked "what's going on?" The girls told her what I said and she started helping, I looked over at Camila and she was smiling and FLIRTING with Normani. Yeah you heard it right, flirting with her. I pushed all three of them off of me because I was so angry with Camila. "Y/N, where are you going! Come back babe!" Camila yelled, and the fact that she called me babe, after that pissed me off even more. "Are you fucking serious Camila, don't act like nothing just happened. I might have been pinned down by Ally, Lauren, and Dinah, but I saw you in Normani!" I screamed at her. I grabbed my backpack and stormed off the bus. And I ran.

*Camila's POV*
What did I just do? I was flirting with Normani right in front of my girlfriend. "I have to go find her!" I said to the girls. "No, Camila you stay here. I'll go look for her!" Lauren said hugging me. "Thanks Lolo!" I said starting to cry into Ally's shoulder.

*Lauren's POV*
I was walking down the road and found someone sitting on a bench with their head in their knees. "Y/N is that you?" I yelled, she got up and fell over. "Oh shit!" I said. "She's cried so much she got sick." I said a tear going down my face. I grabbed my phone and called Dinah. "Dinah, hurry. Y/N passed out from crying so much and she won't waked up." I screamed into the phone. "Okay, I'm gonna drive the bus to where y'all are!" Dinah screamed I heard Camila in the background screaming and crying "THIS IS MY FAULT! WHY DID I DO THIS TO HER!" I hung and when I was putting my phone in my pocket and heard Y/N in the most cute cracky voice say "Camila? Is that you? I'm sorry I ran off baby I love you." She said her eyes still closed "No Y/N it's Lolo. Camila's on her way." I said hold her close. I saw the tour bus coming and as soon as it stopped Camila ran out and picked up Y/N and payed her in the couch. "Y/N? Babe, I'm so sorry. I'll never hurt you like this again. You do hear me? I love you! More than anything or anyone!" Camila said, teary up. "I love you too Camila, I'm so I scared you, but I forgive you." She Y/N grabbing Camila's hand and leaning up to kiss Camila. "Awh!" We all said and started crying. The rest of that night Camila and Y/N never once spilt apart from each other.

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