Imagine 14: Im gone (SAD)

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*Y/N's pov*
I go through my twitter, there so much hate. I just can't take it. Some of the tweets were true like:

Your so fat and ugly (your twitter name) DIE ALREADY!!

Fuck you (twitter name) Camila deserves some better and good looking, at that's really not you, ugly bitch!

I cried harder and harder, I got outta my bunk and went to the bathroom. I grabbed pills and said crying my eyes out. "Goodbye everyone I see you later." I said taking 5 pills swallowing them and fall to the floor. "Y/N, NO DONT LEAVE ME I NEED YOU! I CANT LOSE YOU! NOT AFTER 9 MONTHS!!" Camila said but her voice cracking cause she was crying, I was so close to passing out and never waking up, "I love you Camila, find someone better like Lauren or someone else, it's what the fans want.. I..I..I.. Want.. You.. T..too.. K..know..I. Want you to be happy." I slipped out before passing out.

*Camila's POV*
Y/N. Drifted away in my arms. "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!" I yelled crying into her non awake but still breathing body. "CAMILA, what Is it!" The girls came in yelling almost breaking down at the sight. "Y/N!!!!! WAKE UP!!" The girls screamed crying "HURRY WE GOTTA GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!" I screamed. "Y/N, your gonna be okay! I promise!" I said picking her up bridal style and running to the nearest hospital. "HELP, DOCTORS!! PLEASE MY GIRLFRIENDS AT LIFE RISK, SE TOOK PILLS!!" I screamed, doctors came running. "Were gonna, flush her system out, but she might not make it." The doctor said pushing Y/N Away into a run. That might be the last time I see her, 'Camila, stop she'll be fine!' I mumbled to myself. But I couldn't take it, I fell to my knees and cried. I found a note in my pocket it said
"From: Y/N
To: My Princess Camila" on the front, I unfolded it and started to read it
"Hey, babe. It's Y/N. I want you to know, if I make it through this. I don't want you to be mad with me. The hates just to much, I'm sorry I did this to you. But I'd been planning it for a while. I will always remember these 9 months a miracle. I never would have thought of myself dating my idol for Fifth Harmony. You've been so amazing to me, I still remember or first kiss. How you liked to tickle me all the time, so I screamed so much, lol. I just wanna say I love you, but I wanted this to happen. The haters are right. You deserve a better person. I'm not worth it, you can move on I know it. I did this cause of hate, I know your gonna be sad and crying. But, believe it or not I want you to be happy. I love you so much Princess, I'll look down when your on stage and singing or when your sleeping. Be happy babe. I want you to." I finished reading and literally broke down. I might lose my everything! The doctor came up to me. "Camila, I'm sorry. But, Y/N didn't make it." The doctor said. "NOO!! MY EVERYTHING, SHES GONE!!" I screamed. My fans caused me to lose my everything, my princess, and the love of my life. Want more can I do then sit her hold her note and cry my eyes out..

A/N: Well, that was sad, just wait. It's gonna get better i promise. It's all gonna be okay, right as Camila, starts to end everything to be with you!(;

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