The Fight

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Camila's POV
Today I was doing an interview with my girlfriend as support on the side, I looked  over at my girlfriend Y/N as she looked back at me and winked, my face automatically heated up. She still makes me nervous, even after 4 months of dating, everyone thought she was my friend though because I was too scared to come out yet. I didn't know what people would think of me, or what they'd say.

The interviewers voice cut me off from my thoughts, "So Camila, who is your celebrity crush?" My eyes widen, what was I suppose to say? I froze, I looked over and saw Y/N wasn't on her phone anymore, she was waiting, just like everyone else too. "Uhh, Matthew Hussey" I spit out, fuck why'd I do that. "Oh really, he's actually here today. Someone go get Matthew." He asked No, no, no that's just gonna make it worse, I said in my head. I looked over at Y/N and she had the most blank expression but also a hurt expression on her face. She looked to the door as Matthew walked in giving him a death glare, "So I heard ya have a crush on me?" He asked sitting beside me, "umm, yeah." I softly said, ugh I was digging myself such a big hole.

I glanced over at Y/N and she had her hoodie pulled over her head and she was sunken down in the chair, but even like that I could tell she was tearing up. I couldn't help it tho, I was scared of the feedback. I looked at Matthew forcing a small smile, "We ship it" the interviewer said. I faked a laugh but made it sound as real as possible. I was ready to leave, and I mean now. After about 25 minutes of being flirted with, I was able to leave. I got up and went to meet Y/N at where she was sitting but she was already at the door, I went to make my way over to the door. But was pulled back by my arm, and pulled into someone. Matthew's arm wrapped around me, "call me" he said I just walked off toward the door, Y/N had already taken off toward the SUV waiting to take us back to our hotel. I finally made it there and Y/N was sitting in the very back. I really messed up with saying all that, I could've stopped that whole interaction but I didn't.

I knew Camila was scared to come out, and I was giving her all the time she needed. But today pushed me into such a bad mood and state. Not because she didn't say me, but because she said the one person I disliked the very most. "Babe" I heard her say sitting next to me, I didn't answer. I don't dislike very many people, but Matthew just did something to my nerves that I just couldn't stand him. That and the fact that anytime he saw her, he'd get way too close and way too flirty, just trying to get at her. But then again I couldn't stop it, cause I was just "the friend" everyone thought  I was.

Little did they know, I was the one Camila kissed, held hands with, laid with, made love to, and said she loved to. But know one knew that but me, which I might admit is very frustrating when guys who think they have a chance try and get at her. I was so deep in thought, when she tapped my shoulder. "Baby, please talk to me, I'm sorry,you know how hard that stuff is for me. I just randomly said someone's name" she pleaded. I looked her with the most plain but hurt face ever and said "I'm not mad, just hurt Camila, you know how much I dislike him. And how I hate when he tries so desperately to sweep you off your feet, when I've already done that." I sighed, knowing how many times we've had this fight, all the other times they were around each other. "I know Y/N and I'm sorry I should've stopped it when I had the chance. I regret it." She said sadly, I just ignored it. "You just know how it bugs me, like why am I even here with you to be honest. I'm here for support I know, and I love supporting you, but like what else am I. Anytime we're out it's 'NO PDA' no even being to close to you. I can be sitting by you and they flip shit, cause it's too noticeable, it's so annoying. They've taken over everything, and I can't do anything about it, because I know how much all this means to you." I looked down at my hands, then out the window fighting tears. She went to grab my hand, but I pulled away. "Baby please" she sadly begged. "Not right now Mila." I chocked out as we finally pulled up to the hotel as I got out. "Baby? I'll meet you at the room okay? I'm gonna go talk to roger." She explained, I just shook my head, this was just gonna be like all the other times. So I walked up to our room and opened the door. I walked over to the bed, there were roses, "did Mila do this?" I asked myself. I looked at the small card attached "From Matthew" I sighed tossing them on the couch. Why does he try so hard? Can't he see she doesn't want him.. or maybe she does? I started to get in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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