Love You Right

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I was laying in my bed, scrolling through my instagram when I see my best friend, Camila Cabello has posted a picture. I double tap it and smile as I'm looking at the picture way longer than I should've. My phone pings with a text. I open it to read it.

Camila💕😊: Y/N I miss you we needa hang out soon? Wanna hang out with Matthew and I?

I rolled my eyes, I hated her boyfriend Matthew, I didn't know why, or what triggered me about him. Maybe, it was the fact that I was jealous. No, it couldn't she was my best friend, that was all she'd ever be she would never see me in the that way. I decided to get out of my head and reply back finally.

Y/N: I guess..

It was a short and sad reply because it's how I felt, I hadn't got to hang out with her alone ever since they got together it was always them two or all three of us. I decided to get ready and wait outside on the steps.  I plugged my headphones in and listened to music, I was in a zone out as I felt a tap on my hand I looked up and her big brown eyes clicked with mine. "Hey Y/NN" She said to me sweetly, "Yeah, Hey Mila" I said softly, I got up and went to the car, I was gonna sit passenger but of course He was driving so I hoped in the back seat and shoved my head phones in again. I really didn't wanna go with them but I didn't wanna stay home either.

I was looking out the window, just doing my own thing, I looked over to see there hands intertwined, it lit so much heat in me. My fist clenched, as Camila looked back at me I gave her a small smile and she smiled back, I then saw Matthew give me a dirty look in the rear view mirror. "Fucking dickwad" I thought. I turned my attention out the window again. We then stopped to get gas, Camila went in and paid. "You know it's pretty fucked she went in to pay for gas for your car" I mumbled. "I don't wanna hear a damn thing outta you Y/N I already dislike you enough. So shut the fuck up" He said harshly turning around looking at me hateful. I shook my head, what did Camila see in this dude like seriously.  He went to the sweet boy character when Camila got back in the car. "Can you pump the gas too?" He asked, are you kidding me. "Camila, don't I got it." I said, she smiled at me sweetly. I shook my head, and got out putting the gas into the car.

Camila's POV
Y/n was so sweet, honestly sweeter than Matthew. He leaned into me trying to kiss my neck, but I pushed away. "I don't feel like it stop" I said sternly. "Why?" He asked. "You forget we have Y/N with us, be respectful to her. I'm sure she wants to feel included. All she's done is have her headphones in most time. " I shot my words harshly at him. "What the fuck ever" He scoffed rolling his eyes. "Done" Y/N smiled sweetly at me and winked. I blushed a little, what was going on with me? "Thanks love" I said, I felt Matthew look at me angrily. "I think imma still in the backseat with Y/N, since you're being a dick today." I said getting out and moving to the backseat. I looked at Y/N, she looked confused and shocked. She's so cute, Camila stop that is your best friend I thought to myself.

I nudged Y/N and whispered, "Did he yell at you when I went in the store?" I asked, she looked down, not saying anything. He did, when she got quiet it was cause she didn't wanna answer. "Matthew, drop us off at Y/N's house." I said, he looked in the rear view mirror, "What why?" He asked confused. "Cause I said so, and cause I wanna spend some time with my best friend ALONE." I shot my words harshly at him for the second time today. "Okay" he said.

We then arrived at her house, as we both got out and I followed her in, we sit on the couch silent. "What did he say to you Y/N?" I asked holding her hand. "Would you like me to react it?" She asked standing up, "Sure" I replied. "So I said to him that it was pretty fucked that you had to go and pay for the gas that was being put in his car" she explained. "So he turned around with a face full of hate and said these exact words" she continued. "I don't wanna hear a damn thing outta you Y/N I already dislike you enough. So shut the fuck up!" She re-enacted his sound of tone and facial expressions. My heart broke that he would treat and talk so down to her. "Y/N I'm so sorry" I said apologizing for his behavior. "It's whatever Mila, I told you from day one I had felt bad vibes flying off him like a mother fucker. But you didn't listen, you deserve so much better, but you don't listen to your best friend who only wants the best for you. You never listen to me when it comes to "boys" you always push me out when you get involved with a guy, you never hang out alone with me. You always want it to be all three of us and I hate that shit. I just want my old best friend back, the one I fell for. Even tho I'm still in love with this you too.." She stopped in her tracks. What did she just say?

FUCK I was so mad and heated that all my feelings were coming out. And I spilled it out, I looked down and ran to my room "Y/N wait!" She yelled after me "Just leave Camila, you probably hate me!" I yelled laying in my bed crying, I heard my door open, and a weight sit beside were I was laying, I felt her hand rub my back, Why was she still her, I thought she'd hate me. "Y/N look at me love." She said as she pulled me up toward her. I looked at her, face full of tears and red from crying. "How long have felt this way?" She asked me, I sniffed softly. "Ever since we became close close best friends. Anytime we'd cuddle, or hug and be so close, anytime you'd fall asleep I'd admire your beauty. I know that sounds weird, but there's so many times that we'd be so close. And I'd want nothing more than to kiss your oh so kissable lips. But I couldn't because you like boys. I've wanted nothing more than to Love you right, like you should be." I looked at my hands, she stayed silent. "Gimme a second, I have to go do somethin." She got up and walked out, great She was leaving I fucked up. I laid back down and began to cry. "Y/N why are you crying again?" She said, I shot up, "you didn't leave?" I asked wiping my tears.

"No I broke up with Matthew, because I love you too, I fee the same. I always have, and I always will. The only reason I dated boys was because I was scared to let people know who I really am. But since you explained how you feel. Then I'm ready to accept myself and let it out. Because I want you just as much as you want me Y/N" she finished, I sit there with my mouth hanging wide open. "Say what?" I asked still taking back by it. "I'll just show you" she said as she cupped my cheeks. Kissing me sweetly, it caught me off guard but I quickly kissed her back. She pulled away, "I love you Y/N" she smiled. "I love you too Camila, so damn much" I said smiled from ear to ear, I kissed her again more passionately this time as I pulled her into my lap and held her hips. "Y/N?" She asked, "Yes beautiful?" I replied, still not being able to stop smiling. "Will you be my girl?" She asked "Yes a million times yes!" I said, kissing all over her face. As she collapsed beside me a giggly mess. "You're mine, you're mine" I cooed kissing her face lips and neck "Y/N!" She squealed. "Yes princess?" I stopped leaning over. "Kiss me" She said, and I kissed her with so much love and passion. The girl I'd been dreaming to have as my own was mine finally..


I got bored and decided to write another chapter, my boredom was in your favor.
Lmao, hope you enjoy it


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