Studying | Felix

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Lee Felix, the new kid around the block as you can say. He came to Korea two months ago and he needs some help with Korean since he isn't fully familiar with it.

"Jisung, can you teach me Hangul? Pleaseeeeee I'm struggling and JYP is gonna k i l l  me if I don't step up my Korean game"

"Isn't Minho helping you"

"He gave up on me-"

In the meantime, Minho was trying to write a bunch of Korean notes for Felix to study because he is so close to actually giving up


"How about her"


Felix spotted you within a small crowd of girls talking about your personal interests like ________ (your interests) and heard you speak English so he thought you were a perfect match to be his new tutor.

"Minho you're fired I'm gonna go ask that girl if she can help me out"

"I'm not your personal assistant  you little shit-"


"Y/N, did you do the English homework?"

"Of course I did! I personally feel like I messed up like half of the questions but-"

You immediately stop talking and notice Felix walking towards your direction, your friends noticed you staring at him so they decided to turn their heads to the direction you were staring.


"You guys are literally so extra wtf, he probably isn't coming to us anyways and what the fuck is a code twenty five-"

That said, you guys continued your conversation until you hear a deep voice

"Uh, hey everyone! I'm Felix."


"So Felix, why'd you come to Korea?"

You were filled with questions, the main questions were why he chose to come to Korea and why he wanted to talk to you.

"Well, I auditioned for JYP entertainment in Australia and I got in! So you know, every trainee must move to Seoul. this place is so different than Australia and I honestly like it!"

"That's actually quite interesting, I never knew that, everyone calls you 'the man that is gay for changbin' or 'cutie 101'"

Once you mentioned changbin, Felix stared at you with such confusion and was stunned at what he was hearing. He obviously loves changbin a lot and wants the best for him but he definitely wasn't gay for him....... or is he (👀 I'm kidding smdhdkbd)

You let out a small chuckle, his expression was absolutely hilarious and you just wish you could take a quick picture.

"Wait wAIT felix I have another question, why'd you come up to me and just- you know"

Felix let out a soft chuckle at that question

"Well, my friend Minho kind of gave up on me learning hangul so I was in desperate need of a tutor! Coincidentally you were across the room and I thought you'd be perfect for me"

You were flattered, He chose you out of the five girls you were with, but you weren't going to swoon for him. You aren't like those other girls.

"I feel so loved"

You clutched your chest

"I think I'm in love with you"

and with that you unleash the derp face, Felix started to laugh at your actions and you smiled brightly afterwards.

"I didn't catch your name, what is it?"

"It's y/n!"

"Well y/n, I think we'll get along just right."


Few months pass by and you're still tutoring Felix, he has made a lot of improvement and his pronunciation is getting better! He is improving each and every day

"Alright try to pronounce 기분이 좋아 (I'm feeling good)"

"좋아... wAIT wHAT?

You let out a little giggle before repeating yourself

"Pronounce it as gibun-I joh-a"

After many attempts Felix got the pronunciation correct and you couldn't help but give him a high five and a quick hug


Felix suddenly got a serious look and was staring right in your eyes, to be honest you were a tad bit terrified.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Felix I'm teaching you Hangul not how to pick up girls"


Authors note:
HEY YALL! I hope you
guys liked it, to be
honest I enjoyed making
this one a lot :') so uhhhh
Yeah! I love you all! Muah!

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