Direct | Hyunjin

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"ohohoh look at the new kid! They're so stiff and seems so cold. They seem so fake"

"She seems like she could sabotage you"

You were walking down the hallway hearing all the shit people were saying about you.

You finally reached your destination, which was your locker, which felt like you walked for decades.

"Why do you have such a cold aura"

In that moment your locker was slammed shut and you heard a stern voice

"Did you not hear me? I said why do you have such a cold aura?!"

You somewhat snap since you don't like this kids attitude

"It's because I'm not familiar with you rude and selfish people and I am naturally that way. Sorry for not being a dumb and preppy girl."

You push the guy aside to open your locker, and you successfully did! Which was shocking since at your previous school you could never open your locker.

When your placing your books into your locker you hear a soft chuckle

"No one has done that"

You roll your eyes slightly

"Done what? Speak to you? poor me, I was the first."

"No, talked back to me. You seem interesting ms....."

"It's y/n to you."

"Well y/n, I'm hyunjin. I think we'll be good friends."


And he was right, few months went by and you and hyunjin were quite good friends, best friends even!

"Hyunjin~ you are sups adorbs! Would you like, dATE me?!?!?"
You jokingly say and slap his arm while laughing, hyunjin was laughing at how stupid you sounded

Hyunjin plays along and clears his throat

"yeah dude. I have a football game tomorrow so let's have our first date in a few weeks"

Hyunjin says with a deep voice and pretends to be very muscular, you start to wheeze for air, you were laughing that hard.

"Oh sorry babes but I'm already going to break up with you. I fell in love with your best friend seungmin and he loves me too. We're planning on getting married too!!"

Seungmin, who was across the room, stopped what he was doing and was staring at you with his eyes almost popping out if his head

You walked over to him in a preppy way, held his hand and kissed him on the cheek, he didn't stop you which was surprising but you ignored it.

You see hyunjin and he's laughing so hard you can see tears falling down but the laughter seemed somewhat fake since at the same time hyunjin looked jealous. But you ignored it since you felt like you were most likely hallucinating

"Seungmin I'm so sorry"

"I-it's o-okay, I-I didn't m-mind it."


It's now 7:10 pm and you're still hanging out with hyunjin, but you didn't care, you loved spending time with him

"How do you ask a girl out?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're deaf I swear to god, I said, how do you ask a girl out?!"

You were frozen, completely in shock, mainly because you didn't expect hyunjin to ask you this for a conversation.

"Just ask her, say it sincerely or make it big if she likes big things"

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" (imagine him making this face)




Still with him.

This time you were walking towards a park until you decided to lay down on the ground and examine the stars.

"Y/n What are you doing"

"Staring at something beautiful"

"Must be me"

"The stars. Hyunjin. The stars."


"Shut uP You know that I consider you very attractive now join me please."

Hyunjin joins you but lifts up your head and places it on his lap and starts playing with your hair.

You almost fell asleep while he was doing that, it was incredibly comfortable.

"I stare at the stars every once in a while to see if I see a star shine brighter then the rest or if I catch a shooting star."

Hyunjin wasn't paying much attention to what you were saying, he was just playing with your hair and was staring at your face. He never took the time to notice how beautiful you were. He swore he heard his heart skip a few beats.

"My grandmother passed away when I was young, when she was still here she told me she'd become a star and shine when something magical happens in my life. So much has happened in my life that was amazing and not one star has shined ever so bright."

"Maybe what she means is something magical like love. Having your first love."

You never really considered that until hyunjin said it. It made some sense to think of it.



Still with him.

Hyunjin was laying beside you with his armed stretched out for you to rest on so you could be comfortable

"We seem like a couple"

You hear hyunjin mumble under his breath but you were unable to make out what he said

"Wish we were."


"I said yeah we sure do haha"

You sit up straight and point out something that you had seen


You shake him till he sits up along side you

"The star! It's shining so bright. Oh my god!"

You immediately hug hyunjin out of pure joy, hyunjin was surprised at first since it was unexpected but he hugged you tightly afterwards with a warm smile

You pull away from the hug and stare at the stars that were gleaming so beautifully

Hyunjin sneakily grabs your hand and holds it, your hand was the perfect size for hyunjins hand. A perfect match

You look down at your hand and look up at hyunjin who was already staring at you. Some lovey dovey song starts to play in your head

"I like you"

"You were direct since the day I met you. So now I'll be direct back. I like you too."

And with that you hear a scream in the background


Hyunjin quickly excuses himself to get up and chase Seungmin and you couldn't help but laugh


"Oh my god uh fuck HI Y/N THIS IS THE LAST TIME ILL EVER SEE YOU oh- my god he is close AHHHHHHH OH MY GOD"


Authors note:
Hi this was fun to make!
I feel like I somewhat rushed the
Story and I'm so sorry for that!
I was feeling sick while writing
This so yeah!

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