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Today is one of those days where all I wanna do is stay at home and spend time with my best friend minho.

Which is what I'm exactly doing.

Minho and I have been friends since.. middle school, the sixth grade to be exact! and my life has been 10x better with him in it.

We do everything together, road trips, cuddle, even go on vacation together! We just.. do it all.

Today is a lazy day, so I'm laying on minhos lap watching tv while minho is playing with my hair and watching tv with me.

I shuffle a bit to make myself more comfortable in minhos lap, he stops playing with my hair while doing so, so he doesn't hurt me or anything.

I turn out to stare at minho right in the eyes, he immediately stares back.

I smile and so does he.

"suhyun... may I ask you something?"
He suddenly says in a somewhat serious matter.


"May I... um.... kiss you?"
He says, stutters on his words with his cheeks turning into a rosy pink.

"oh!... um... why not?"
I reply, my cheeks begin feeling warm and turning into a rosy pink as well.

Minho leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips. Soon enough he began kissing my cheeks and then my forehead. While doing so he began to softly smile.

"minho. do you um.. like me?"

"took you long enough to figure it out."
Minho replied, softly laughing.

"you know.. I've always liked you suhyun, from the moment we met I already liked you. I just wasn't sure why. As time progressed and we became best friends I finally realized why I liked you, and that's because you're so loving, caring, beautiful and just one of the sweetest girls to ever exist."

At this point I'm sitting up, facing minho while holding his hands. I'm not sure why I chose to hold his hands but I did... and I like it.

"I'm assuming you like me too since your cheeks are incredibly pink and you won't stop holding my hand. Plus you allowed me to kiss you." Minho smiles

"now THAT took you long enough." I laugh softly.

I lean over to give minho a hug, he immediately returns the hug and pins me down to the couch (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) IM KIDDINGHSJS)

I'm startled by his sudden dominance (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm kidding pt 2) and he motions his head downwards to give my lips a kiss.

at this point our lips are now touching and my hands are just playing with his hair. The both of us smile into the kiss and depart from one another.

we both sit up straight and just stare away from one another. Trying to process what had just happened in the span of 10-20 minutes.

"wanna be my girlfrie-"


He smiles at me and gets into the cuddling position on the couch. "Cuddle?"

I smile and nod. seeing at how cute minho is right now. I get into the other cuddling position and I begin to fiddle with minhos hands. Playing around with his knuckles.

Twenty minutes later.

I'm still watching tv and I feel a weight on my shoulder, I turn on over to see a deep asleep lee minho.

I chuckle softly to myself seeing minhos state and give him a kiss on the nose.

"how cute." I say to myself.

Sooner then later, I fall asleep in his arms.

Little did I know, was that minho was awake the whole time.

"suhyun.. we might've just started dating today, but I already love you."

then he actually fell asleep.

a/n: IM ALIVE! this is pretty short ngl... I'm sorry but I hope you all liked it !!! I'm going to end/complete this book soon... well MAYBE. If I keep on running out of ideas then I might but who knows? anyways yeah um I love minho ok bye

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