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a/n: heyyyyyyy! The title is somewhat misleading as to what I'm about to write,,, oops. Minyoung and Jeongin are best friends but little does she know, is that mister Jeongin has a crush on her and he'd like to be more than best friends! so... uh yeah sksksk.

jeongins pov.

Today is the day, the day that I try to confess to my crush, which also happens to be my life long best friend, Park Minyoung.

We've been friends since forever. Well... since we were three and ever since then my life has been amazing with her by my side. I've liked her since we were six/seven years old? around that age range.

I've kept this feeling within me for so long and I just feel the need to just let it all out, let her know that I've been feeling like this for god knows how long.

"Jeongin!!!" I hear a voice cry out, it belongs to my favourite person ever, park minyoung.

"o-oh! Hey minnie~" I reply back, when I'm in a good mood (which is usually all the time) I call minyoung 'minnie' because it's cute!

also why the hell did I stutter..

minyoung runs up to me with a big and bright smile on her face, once she got closer she noticed something odd...

"jeongin... are you okay? You're red!" Minyoung says with a hint of worry in her voice.

Little does she know that I'm this red whenever I think about her..

"o-oh.. I'm okay. I just feel a little warm, don't worry minnie~" I say back with a reassuring smile on my face, revealing my braces.

"if you're a little warm then that shouldn't be good! Let's go to my place so I can freshen you up and help you feel better." Minyoung gets ahold of my hand, holding it tightly and starts running towards her place. Practically dragging me along.

mini time skip :)

we finally arrived to the front of her house, still hand in hand, I smile softly to myself.

Minyoung unlocks the door and we both walk in at the same time. I walk in right behind her, visibly smiling.

"Jeongin go sit on my couch while I get you some water." Minyoung says while smiling at me, letting go of my hand.

Minyoung and I sometimes hold hands unconsciously but it always feels different to me... it feels as if my hands are in need to hold hers.

While she walks off to the kitchen, I walk towards the living room, sitting down on the couch, Examining every object in her home. Her family frequently moves things around so every time I come over, it looks different.

after five minutes or so, Minyoung sits right beside me with a fresh cup of cold water. "Here Jeongin. Drink up!"

Minyoung hands me the glass and I drink all the water in one shot. I have no idea on how I did it but I did... I guess you can that I'm proud of myself ;).

Once I finished the very cold and refreshing cup of water, I handed back the glass to Minyoung and she placed it right on her small white table that's right in front of us.

My heart begins to beat quite fast.

I guess I should tell her now.

I suddenly stare at her in a serious matter, holding both of her hands and placing them on her lap.

"j-Jeongin..? What are you d-doing?"

I inhale deeply.
"park Minyoung, minnie, as formal as this sounds, I just want to say that I like you. I like you so much that my heart does backflips or something every time you're around. I love you. As a best friend and even more. I hope that we can become something more.."

I finally exhale.

minyoung's pov.

"park Minyoung, minnie, as formal as this sounds, I just want to say that I like you. I like you so much that my heart does backflips or something every time you're around. I love you. As a best friend and even more. I hope that we can become something more.."

I whelm up inside, feeling tears forming. Little do I know my tears slowly start falling, one, by one.

"Minyoung? whoa whoa whoa... why are you crying..?" jeongin softly says while softly pushing my hair back so he could see my face.

do I like him back? do I not? he is only a best friend to me.. right? all these thoughts start overflowing my head.



"I'm sorry."

Jeongin loosens his hold on my hands and his gaze softens as well.

"you're... you're only a best friend to me." I whisper out, but loud enough for him to hear.

I look at him straight in the eyes, tears still falling out.

he nods, let's go of my hands and walks towards the door.

"thank you Minyoung.. I guess I'll see you soon." Jeongin sadly says and walks right out of my home.

not all love stories
have happy endings.

a/n: why hello again ladies n gents !! an unexpected twist ;) and somewhat overly dramatic omg sorry... would you guys like a part two? To see how Minyoung and jeongin's friendship unfolds? :)
uhhhhhh I also wanna say that I reached 23k reads like today and I just wanna say THANK YOU! I love you all ugh muah.

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