Jimin and I walk to my table in the corner and he releases me as I plop down. He sits across from me, looking concerned. The shop is empty besides one table that holds two females who chatter softly. Jin is quick to rush over, and now he is fretting after I got Jimin to calm down.
"You look even worse than before."
He notes as he glances at Jimin with curiosity. He quickly trains his eyes back on me.
"Where have you been the last three days? You didn't come by at all!"
He continues to fuss but I have zoned him out. I feel kinda bad, after all Jin has done for me, but I'm so tired and the shop smells so nice and it's quiet and Jimin is beside me. I plop my chin on my hand and release a sigh, and he must notice I haven't been listening because he lets out his own exaggerated sigh. I look up at him and he holds my gaze for a moment. Realization begins to slowly fill his eyes, he must see how tired I am, because he nods to himself and turns to Jimin.
"Ah, and you? What can I get you?"
He asks and Jimin answers but I don't understand his words that seem foreign and distant. Jin walks away after gently saying something to Jimin. I turn my gaze to the window, my vision becoming blurry as I zone out, letting the colors from all the people who walk past drift by. After some time spent in silence, Jin returns and sets down our drinks, mine is my new favorite mocha, Jimin's drink is something that blurs before my eyes and I don't recognize.
Jin hovers around our table and I realize the girls have left and we are the only ones left in the small cafe. I sigh heavily and reach for my drink, noticing Jimin is sipping his drink as his eyes move between me, Jin, and the street beyond the window.
I pick up my drink and as I look up at Jimin again, the world blurs and darkens before my eyes. I gasp as the cup slips from my hands and lands in my lap, splashing all over my legs and my chest and I am gritting my teeth at the burn the comes with the hot liquid.
My name forces past both Jimin and Jin's lips as Jin lurches forward and Jimin is scrambling out of his seat. Jin removes the cup and scurries to the back room as Jimin frantically grabs a stack of napkins and is dabbing some of the moisture off my chest and legs as I sit there, frozen in utter confusion, unsure of what I am supposed to do, panic rising in my chest at his closeness and the fact that he is touching me without hesitation, perhaps because of the panicked situation.
My eyes are wide and my sleep deprived brain is soaking up the last of my energy in the sudden release of adrenaline. But with the adrenaline come panic and confusion because my brain is so disoriented I can barely process what is happening fast enough to react.
Jin bursts from the back room and Jimin is stepping out of the way as Jin dabs at me with a cold, damp cloth. The heat and pain are barely dulled as my body becomes more aware of how badly it hurts. Jimin is talking with Jin now, his words muffled and strange as they reach my ears.
I catch a few words about someone's home and cleaning me up as Jin nods along and helps me from my seat and ushers me along with Jimin. Jimin takes my wrist again and guides me carefully out the door, holding me close to him.

>>lost<< Yoonmin
Fanfiction"I want to be something to you. I want to be your everything. But how am I supposed to be anything to you when I am only a skimmed-over paragraph, chapters and chapters behind where you are now? How will you find me, lost in these words and pages of...