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It's not long before Jin returns with our drinks. He sets them down and I glance at mine, realizing it is unfamiliar.
"What is it?"
I ask curiously, drawing Jimin's attention away from his phone for just a moment.
"It's a vanilla latte. Figured you'd like it."
He says quickly, distracted by a customer who is waving him over. He shoots me an apologetic smile that I wave off as he turns and retreats to the other side of the room. I blow on my drink as my eyes return to Jimin, who is studying his phone intently.
My voice is whinier than I intended, and I clear my throat before continuing on. I open my mouth to speak, but he hasn't lifted his eyes, even a bit. I can't help but pout and reach over, pushing down on the top of his phone with my index finger. He looks up in surprise and blinks at my pouting face. It takes him a moment to set down the phone and apologize.
"Ah, I'm sorry. It was kind of important."
I nod nonchalantly and turn my eyes to Jin who is chatting happily with the female who motioned him over. I don't realize I'm zoning out until Jimin waves his hand in front of my face. Me eyes snap back to him and he sighs, peeking over towards where I was staring. She is the only one sitting in that area so it is not difficult to tell.
"Aaaaa~ Yoongi do you know that girl?"
He teases, misunderstanding who I was focusing on. I open my mouth to argue but he cuts me off, grinning.
"You must think she is cute huh?"
Again he peeks over as he continues rambling, surprise silencing me.
"Ah, she is quite cute though,"
My cheeks are a deep red now and all I can manage to force past my lips is an incoherent stutter.
"You should talk to her! She has such a sweet smile and-"
"Jimin-ah I don't like girls!"
The statement explodes from my mouth and silences him. He whips around to face me in surprise at my outburst and just stares, mouth partly open. I am glad I only whisper-yelled it, as no one else seems to be bothered by it. The blush has darkened even more, and I cover my face, shaking my head in shame.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, no im sorry-"
We are babbling over each other when Jin walks over again, pausing before he speaks up with a soft chuckle.
"I feel like I'm intruding now."
He teases, only aware of the fact that we are both babbling and I am blushing like crazy.
"Maybe I should leave you alone?"
His voice is playful but immediately both me and Jimin are waving our hands at him.
"Jin, you shouldn't say-"
"No, really, it's not like that-"
"It's not what you think-"
"I have a girlfriend."
Jimin finally blurts out and I hide me face even more, Jin staring at Jimin in surprise.
Jin glances between us, obviously searching for what to say before he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Ah, I see. I had assumed with how close you were that you two-"
I cut him off quickly, turning my eyes from them both.
"Jin please. He has a girlfriend."
I practically beg, my voice barely surpassing a whisper. We sit in silence for a long moment, it only being broken by the cheerful ding of bells. Jin mutters an apology to Jimin and I can only imagine the small bow he offers. He then ruffles my hair apologetically before hurrying off to tend to the customer.
We sit in silence for a bit before I turn back towards the table, taking small sips from my cup. Jimin is doing the same, peeking up at me but looks down when our eyes meet. I sigh heavily and he flinches, causing me to lower my eyes.
"Jimin-ah, I'm sorry."
I whisper and he shakes his head.
"It's fine. I shouldn't have teased you."
Another long stretch of silence ensues, finally interrupted by the ring of his phone. We both jump and he scrambles to grab it, checking the number before shooting me an apologetic look. My eyes fall and I wave him off, suppressing the deep sigh that threatens to pass my lips. He stands, hesitating beside me and grabs my hand, holding it gently as my eyes lift to his.
"I'm sorry."
He whispers, but there is so much swirling in his eyes that I'm not sure exactly what he is apologizing for. He seems to say sorry for everything.
"It's okay."
I whisper back, even though it doesn't feel entirely true. I squeeze his hand as it slips from mine, giving him only enough time to return the small sign of affection. He hurries out, lifting the phone to his ear as he shoots me one last, mournful look before he's out the door.

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