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I pull on my now clean clothes and the hoodie I had given him, stepping out of the bathroom after tossing the clothes I wore into the hamper as he had told me. Jimin is already in the kitchen, wearing a pair of form-fitting jeans and a hoodie with some logo on it.
I pipe up, smiling as he turns to look at me.
He mimics as I stuff my hands into my hoodie pocket and grin wider. He reaches towards the counter, my eyes following and to my surprise my camera and wallet sit there, looking undisturbed. He picks them up and holds them out to me, smiling sheepishly.
"I figured you wouldn't want these in the wash. Don't worry, I haven't messed with either. I just set them here okay?"
He reassures and I nod, taking them both and tuck my wallet into my pocket then pull my camera bag over my shoulder.
"Let's go."
He chirps and I laugh softly, glad that he is so upbeat.
I hum and follow after him as we leave the apartment complex. It's bigger than I originally thought, and suddenly his large apartment makes sense. This place screams expensive.
Soon we are out onto the street and walk side-by-side to the cafe. We don't touch as we walk, but I still appreciate not being alone. The weather is warmer than average today, and the sun is early in its trek across the sky.
We arrive after a short walk and step inside, the chime of bells greeting us. A few tables are occupied but as usual, it is quiet and peaceful.
Jin is working busily behind the counter and greets us without lifting his eyes. I simply smile and brush my hand against Jimin's, getting his attention as I lead him to my usual table. Jin delivers drinks to a couple in the center of the cafe, looking up as his eyes scan the outer edge for the new customer. His eyes fall on me and he smiles widely, eliciting a smile from my own face. He walks over quickly, his smile not faltering for even a moment.
He sings as he slides into the chair next to mine and shoots a smile at Jimin before returning his gaze to mine. Jimin wears a kind smile as we speak, glancing over a laminated paper that tells all the drinks the cafe has to offer.
"How are you feeling?"
He asks kindly as he touches his fingers to my forehead and cheeks, my reaction being to close my eyes.
"I'm better."
I say lightly, opening my eyes as he pulls away his hand.
"That's good. I should have paid more attention when you were so pale yesterday."
He grumbles the last part, pouting a bit and I chuckle at him.
"I said I'm fine. Jimin-ah did a really good job of taking care of me."
I note happily and look over at Jimin, who lifts the menu to hide his smile and lightly tinted cheeks. Jin and I both laugh quietly and Jin nods to himself, shooting me a look. His eyes return to Jimin and I raise my brows curiously at the look he gave me.
"Thank you Jimin, for taking care of Yoongi."
He says sincerely and ruffles my hair as Jimin looks up and smiles.
"It's nothing."
Jimin says lightly and Jin nods, and stands up, going back into his work mode.
"So can I get you all anything? On the house."
He adds and as Jimin is about to argue, I reach over and tap his arm, giving him a look that he seems to understand.
"I'll take a caramel frappe."
Jimin says lightly and I wave Jin off. I rarely order here, he always knows just what to bring me so I don't worry about it.
"That's his way of saying thank you."
I tell Jimin and he nods, glancing down at his phone. I let it go, realizing he must be busy and switch my attention to out the window, closing my eyes to bask in the sun's warmth as we wait.

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