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I let Jimin drag me downstairs into the lobby, where he steps into a small hallway and looks at me with big eyes.
"Yoongi, what is it?"
He asks in a rush, glancing back toward the elevator as if he expects the girl to follow him.
"Jimin why..."
I falter as his eyes fall to mine, holding his icy, brittle gaze. I inhale and continue on, noticing the hand still cupping his cheek.
"She was screaming, and why are you..."
As I ask I reach up and grab his hand, pulling it down. I fall silent as I study what he was hiding, his hand tense and his face set into thin, hard lines.
His beautiful skin is a deep red, blue and hints of purple flowering from the center of the mark. I cling to the hand I had grabbed, finding myself trembling.
I gasp out but he whips around at the sounds of approaching footsteps. A man in a suit is walking towards the hallway, his eyes trained on a woman beside him. Jimin grasps my hand tighter and turns down the hall, pulling me deeper into its darkness. He drags me through a door, into a bathroom and lets out a relieved sigh when it is empty.
He releases me and wanders towards the sink, ignoring me who trails after him with concerned eyes.
"Jimin-ah she..."
I whisper but he shushes me quickly, eyes trained on the door. I tense and stare at him, realizing quickly he is holding his breath. It's a moment before I hear laughter and the door begins to move, sparking Jimin into action. He grabs at me quickly, managing to catch my wrist in his grasp and jerks me into a stall furthest from the door, closing the door behind me as quickly and quietly as possible.
A few men must enter the room, because there is clearly multiple sets of feet that thud softly across the floor.
I find the nerve to lift my eyes, face to face with Park Jimin. There is only a few inches between us, his hands braced against the door behind me, arms poised on both sides to my midsection. He is holding his breath again, not moving at all. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut, teeth clenched together and set in a grimace.
He breathes out softly as the sink turns on, our warm breaths mingling in the small space between us. I can't ignore the gentle warmth of his body, and blush furiously when he opens his eyes and meets my gaze. I avert my eyes quickly, staring at the wall motionlessly until the sounds fade away and the door swishes shut. Jimin fumbles against the door behind my, his fingers finally managing to turn the lock, sending us both scampering out of the stall, breathing heavily. I look over to find that he is also blushing, rubbing his face as he regains his composure. I turn toward the sink, running my fingers through my hair as my heart rate gradually slowly to normal.
Jimin was so close. And he knows now. That I like guys that is.
I turn to apologize but he waves me off quickly, coming up to the sink beside me to stare at himself in the mirror. His fingertips brush the flowering bruise softly and he cringes, dropping his hand.
I say again, pleading as I reach out and place my hand carefully over top of his that is braced against the counter.
"Is she always like this?"
I whisper softly, holding my breath as he turns his eyes to mine. He gazes at me sadly and I find my answer, obvious in his lifeless eyes.
"You shouldn't be with her."
I force past my lips as I reach up, brushing my fingers over the bruise as he closes his eyes, cringing away softly. I persist, cupping his cheek in my hand, relaxing in the way they fit together so well. A sigh escapes his mouth, brushing over my skin and sending chills down my spine.
"She's why you won't let me touch you."
I whisper, voice barely audible. His shoulders sag in defeat and his cheek leans further into my palm, surprising me a bit.
"This is the first time she's really hit me."
He mumbles, his voice choked with unshed tears and hidden emotion. I inhale deeply, finding courage as he opens his eyes slowly. I catch and hold his gaze now, the sadness in his eyes igniting a fiery ball of hatred somewhere within me.
"Once is too many."

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