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The walk to my apartment takes ages. There is too much time for my thoughts to race and swirl and snowball, building and building at every passing step. Jimin and I exchange no words as I tug him through the crowd, swerving left and right, flinching away from people who come too close.
After an eternity we have reached my small apartment building and hurry inside. We stumble up the stairs, and my hands shake wearily as I unlock the door and move inside. When Jimin has slipped inside I close the door and lean my forehead on the cool metal, heaving an exhausted sigh. Jimin shuffles restlessly behind me and finally I turn to look at him. The lights are still off but he is silhouetted by what little light streams through the deck doors. I gaze at him silently for a moment before he clears his throat and looks at his feet, bringing a blush to my cheeks.
After all he's been through tonight I still stare at him like this?
I shake my head in frustration and flip on the lights, kicking off my shoes as he does the same. I trudge to the couch and flop down, letting the bag fall on the floor.
"Come here."
I say brusquely, my voice soft. When he just looks at me I pat the couch and wait patiently as he moves nervously to the couch and sits down beside me. I angle myself towards him and reach up, placing my fingertips on his chin as I tilt his face to the side to give me a better view of his cheek. He is stiff and has his eyes closed, but stays still as I reach up and brush my fingertips over the discolored skin.
"She got you good... twice."
I grumble and he nods, pulling from my touch. I drop my hand and run my fingers through my hair, sighing.
"Are you hungry? Or tired? What can I do?"
I plead softly and he looks down, a shamed blush creeping over his cheeks.
"I just want to go to bed."
He mumbles and I nod, standing up and grabbing his bag. I motion to him and lead him to my room, setting his stuff at the foot of the bed.
"You can sleep here. It's clean cause I normally end up sleeping on the couch anyway. Please tell me if you need anything at all."
I say gently and he nods, reaching for the door. I step back as he closes it, turning away from the room and trudge back to the living room.m defeatedly. I grab a blanket and flip off the lights, throwing myself on the couch. The house is almost silent as I lay there, the ticking clock being the only noise that haunts my ears. I toss and turn, throwing off the covers and pulling them on. Sleep is distant yet again, anxiety creeping over every ounce of my being until it has enveloped me. It takes hours, but finally I relax and let my eyes shut with a sigh.

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