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Jimin is guiding me down the street as the adrenaline wears off and I am left even more exhausted than before. I rely on him heavily, he holds my wrist and I am walking so close to him that our shoulders brush and I am constantly leaning into him to just keep myself on my feet.
I groan softly at the throbbing pain that has settled over where the coffee spilled. He looks over at me, sympathy and a bit of anxiety filling his blue eyes. I realize that he has always flinched away from my touch or hesitated, and now as we walk we are constantly touching. I feel bad for causing so much trouble and step away, but he pulls me closer again as I stumble, my eyes falling in shame at my state.
His hand slides from my wrist to my palm, taking my hand in his own. I lift my eyes, my checks already pink with embarrassment. He gives a sheepish smile and squeezes my hand softly.
"My apartment is really close, so we figured you could shower and take care of your burns."
He briefs me gently as we walk, and guides me into the small lobby of an apartment building. We go up a few floors in the elevator and I allow him to guide my dazed self to his apartment, not paying much attention to anything.
I leave my shoes on the mat and let him guide me to the bathroom, admiring the clean, modern look of his apartment. He sets out a towel for me and makes a few motions with words I do not quite process before he retreats and closes the door behind him. I sigh and undress sluggishly, forcing myself to turn on the water and step under its lukewarm stream. Even the moderate temperature burns my skin and I cringe, forcing myself to stay under the water.
There is a knock on the door and I freeze in confusion, looking at the opaque, blue shower curtain the separates me from the door. The door creaks open and Jimin's voice echoes throughout the room.
"I'm leaving a change of clothes here, okay Yoongi? I'll wash yours so please don't worry..."
He hesitates when I give no response and I hear his footsteps move towards the door.
"Thank you."
I croak out and he halts.
"It's nothing, really."
He says lightly and I hear the soft smile in his voice. He leaves, again closing the door and I finish wiping the remnants of the sticky coffee from myself.
I shut off the water and dry off, dressing myself in the clothes he has left, I pull on the pair of joggers, tee shirt, and finally my own hoodie that I had let him borrow. I bury my nose in the neckline and inhale the smell of his laundry detergent. It is flowery and clean, nice.
I give my hair a final rub before exiting the bathroom and find my way to the living room where Jimin sits, picking through a small first aid kit. I take another step and he looks up at me, offering a small smile.
"How ya feeling?"
He asks me gently and I return the small smile, not feeling convinced by the fake grin.
"I'm so tired."
I whisper honestly and he nods, making a small motion to me.
"And your burns?"
I wave him off as he sets down the kit and moves towards me, taking the towel and tosses it into the hamper I had missed in the bathroom.
"They don't hurt so bad anymore."
I answer honestly, or maybe I just can't feel the pain. He walks back to the living room, beckoning me to come with him.

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