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It's a long time before Jimin lifts his head from my shoulder. I meet his gaze, his eyes still red.
"Are you okay?"
I whisper, bringing my fingertips up to brush over his cheek. He nods, his arms around me trembling.
"I'm here."
I comfort lowly, resting my forehead against his.
"And I'm not going anywhere."
He meets my gaze as I reassure him and I hold it, gazing into the oceans held behind his eyes.
I mutter, lowering my eyes momentarily to his mouth. He watches my gaze fall and rise back to his and smiles softly, the heavy feeling in the air lightening.
Our lips meet in a moment of bliss, water still rolling down each of our forms. The rain is forgotten as our kiss deepens, both of us releasing our tension into the embrace. Jimin tugs me closer so we are perfectly chest to chest and I slide my fingers into his hair, pushing the wet strands from his face.
We break the kiss, breathing deeply as we gaze at each other.
"I love you."
I whisper quietly. Nothing but a breath. Jimin shushes me as he closes his eyes, leaning his forehead against mine. I lift my brows in slight confusion as he opens his eyes again, offering me a small smile.
"You shouldn't say that so easily."
He scorns playfully and I frown letting my hands slide down to rest on his shoulders.
He interrupts gently.
"It's just fast."
He whispers painfully, closing his eyes again. I nod slowly, pulling away softly. He opens his eyes quickly and I smile, dropping my hand down to grasp his.
"We should get home. We're both going to catch cold."
I chuckle quietly and he nods, smiling softly.
We hurry home, hand in hand and by the time we reach my apartment we are both shivering. I open the door and usher him in, following.
"Hang on."
I breathe out, hurrying to the bathroom as he stands in the entryway. I return with towels and toss him one, using the other to dry myself.
"You can go get in the bath."
I say hurriedly, ushering him to the bathroom.
"Can't have you getting sick."
I say, moving to the kitchen with my towel after I removed my socks and shoes. He does the same, frowning a bit.
"You should go first, it's your-"
I turn, lightly thumping my knuckles against his chest as I grin at him.
"Go get in there."
I say stubbornly, eliciting a small grin from him.
"Alright, alright."
He says as he makes his way to the bedroom to get dry clothes. I wait until the bathroom door clicks shut before I get to work. I throw two fluffy blankets into the dryer and begin to make some hot soup. As the water runs I toss my towel into the laundry along with my shirt before I grab a dry towel and wrap it around my shoulders. I turn up the heat and move back to the kitchen, standing close to the stove in an attempt to rid my body of chills.

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