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I wonder home through the biting cold,
But my mind is not here.
No, it is somewhere far off,
In a place where there is nothing but rain, rain.. rain.... rain.
The smell of rain,
Its gentle caress as it kisses my skin,
Rolling down my body to collect in glistening pools on the ground.
It is cool and sweet there is no sound but a gentle pitter patter.
I reach my home before I know it and walk inside, shaking the dew from my brain and focusing.
My home is a small apartment, cluttered but cozy.
The dining room, kitchen, and living room are open and connected, with my bedroom and the bathroom off to the side.
I remove my coat and toss it lazily on the dining room table and begin to prepare my dinner.
My days have always moved quickly, flowing by without hesitation.
I always imagined I was nothing but a balloon, bobbing and floating through the sky with nothing to tether me to the earth, nothing out there to hold on to. Just moving moving endlessly, reaching for the sky and floating higher and higher until...
Who knows.
Maybe I will be lucky, and never reach the sky, and that's okay.
But on rare occasions I feel as if, even for a moment, I am snagged from the constant flow and held in place, sometimes perfectly still and time stops.
That's how Park Jimin made me feel.
He interrupted my usual, mindless flow and held me perfectly still with his touch and his voice, and now he is gone and I am drifting drifting again until maybe one day, I find something to permanently take me from this endless flow.

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