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Jimin and I sit in the peaceful quiet of the deserted park. For a while, we exchange no words and that is fine. It doesn't feel awkward to sit like this, the soft wind murmurs to us, the trees stirring and filling the silence  with the whispers of nature. It is enough to feel him beside me, to hear his gentle sighs as he slowly relaxes and pulls himself together.
In the silence I subconsciously focus on syncing my breaths with his, our exhales spreading thin steam out in front of us. He glances over at me, I feel his eyes searching, searching. For what? I almost whisper but his eyes have settle on my small, black camera bag. He makes a small motion to it and raises his perfectly groomed brows.
"You came out for a reason?"
Is the tentative question that finally passes his lips. I nod a bit and move the bag onto my lap, unzipping it to show the contents inside. He admires it for a moment, eyes questioning.
"Can I see?"
He whispers again, as if not to break the peaceful quiet that has fallen. I nod again and lift it up, moving the strap out of the way and pass it to him. He takes it carefully, and it doesn't escape my attention that he precariously avoided my hands as he took it from me. I recall how he flinched away from me and frown gently in contemplation.
He has begun to turn the camera over and over in his hands, curiously examining each surface.
"You're a photographer than?"
He asks and his gaze lifts to mine. His eyes are less puffy and the red has disappeared, but the still sparkle beautifully as he looks at me. I nod yet again, forcing a small smile to my lips. He continues to gaze at me, studying my expression now, and even though it is him I still want to hide from his gaze. He must realize I am uncomfortable because he turns his gaze back to the camera in his hands.
"Lost your words, hm?"
He asks gently, he hums softly and I can't help but note the musical sound of his voice.
"I've never been good at talking."
I mutter simply and he nods in understanding. He passes the camera carefully back to me and I take it from his small, delicate hands.
"Are you out here to take pictures?"
I nod and he nods to himself in response.
"Anything in particular?"
He inquires, his eyes scanning the park swimming with shadows. I nod and shakily add,
"We were given the theme 'winter life'. The goal is to show that there are still beautiful things that flourish in the cold."
He nods and smiles at me softly.
"You talk easier when it's about something you enjoy."
He notes aloud and I nod in agreement, realizing that my anxiety had depleted for just a moment, although it has begun to gnaw at my stomach again.
Park Jimin stands and stretches his arms above his head, my gaze falling over the gentle lines his body forms.
I only think it to myself. He is beautiful enough to catch in my lens. He turns back and smiles down at me, life filling his recently empty eyes.
"We better get to searching."

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