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Just as sleep has overcome me and I am able to relax, a door down the hallways clicks softly, startling me awake. I stare at the back of the couch for a long moment, breathing out as I listen to the shuffling of careful feet down the hallway. I stay where I am as the shuffling gets closer, stopping a short distance from the couch.
There is more shuffling and a few quiet sighs before Jimin settles down again, presumably on the floor. I slowly peek over my shoulder, my eyes gradually adjusting to show his dimly lit form curled on the floor with my comforter. I watch him for a few more moments before the bundle shudders and whimpers quietly. He holds his breath, his body becoming stiff at the escaped noise.
I wait a moment longer and finally he sniffles, releasing a quiet breath.
"Come here."
I grumble, startling him a bit as he rolls over to face me. I roll over fully, meeting his shadowed eyes.
"My guest shouldn't be on the floor."
I grumble but he shakes his head, glistening streaks of moisture catching my gaze.
"I'm fine."
He croaks gently, eliciting a gentle scoff from me.
I mutter and let my arm hang over the edge of the couch, tapping the floor with my fingertips.
"Come over here."
I repeat lazily and he looks at me silently. We lock gazes for a few silent moments before he sighs and wiggles closer, pulling the bundle of himself and his pillow to rest beside the couch.
I lift my hand when he gets near, waiting for him to settle before I lower my hand again. My fingertips find his hair and ease gently through them. I flip onto my belly and run my entire hand through his hair, from his forehead to the base of his neck.
He is trembling again, softly, but I continue and whisper to him softly.
"It's okay. Let it out. I know it's hard."
I whisper gently, to which his body shakes harder and a strangled sob escapes his lips.
"There ya go."
I urge gently and continue to run my fingers through his hair as his body is racked with sobs.
I wish that I could do more, but I settle with what I am able to do without freaking him out.
We lay like this for hours it seems. Eventually his sobs quiet, but I continue comforting him and he doesn't move away. After he has fallen still and my eyes have gotten heavy I hesitantly pull my hand to myself and wiggle a bit but Jimin groans softly and moves, lifting his head to peek his eyes over the couch cushions at me. We are both still, eyes locked until I blink softly and he lowers his gaze, lifting his chin to sit on the edge of the couch with a childish pout.
"What is it Jimin-ah?"
I ask softly, my eyes wandering to his perfectly pouted lips. As if they weren't tempting enough, he has them pushed out and so close to my face.
I don't notice his gaze that searches my face, following my eyes until he inquires softly,
"What are you looking at?"
My eyes snap back to his and it's clear by his gentle blush that he has a pretty good idea of where my gaze was trained.
I stutter a bit and he tilts his head, studying me carefully.
He whispers, setting his lips in a thin line. It's my turn to blush under the harshness of his gaze and he sighs softly, his warm breath brushing over my face.
"Why do you like me?"

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