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Jimin sits on the couch and pats the seat beside him, so I sit heavily.
"Your clothes are in the wash, so why don't you sleep while I clean them?"
He suggests kindly and I shake my head, unable to accept such generosity from someone I have done nothing for. He chuckles and brushes a bit of hair from my forehead, freezing me in place as his fingertips send chills over my skin. Again he smiles, looking a bit nervous.
"Go on. Rest. There's no way I can let you walk home like this anyway."
He states dismissively and my fuzzy mind has lost any argument I may have offered. I nod slowly to myself and pull my knees to my chest, settling onto the couch so I lay on my side in a ball. We sit there for a while in the silence, my body and mind are so tired but somehow sleep does not come. I sigh gently and he lowers his hand to my temple, very slowly moving his tense hand back through my hair. I am too tired to be embarrassed and simply relax at the tender touch, allowing him to stroke my head without complaint.
"My mom used to do this when I couldn't sleep... it's nice right?"
He inquires gently, seeming unsure about himself. I nod slowly and the last thing I hear before I plunge into darkness is his quiet chuckle.
It must be a long time before I wake up, because when I do I am alone on the couch and the window in my view shows nothing but darkness beyond it. I am warm, and look down to see it is because a warm, fluffy blanket has been placed over me.
Although the overhead light in the living room is turned off, light floods the room from behind the couch. I sit up slowly realizing I feel much better than I have in a long time. I sigh and pull the blanket tighter around me, placing my chin on the back of the white couch as I peer behind it. The lights spreads out from the chic kitchen, where I see Jimin standing at the stove, stirring a small pot from which steam rises. I watch him for a bit as he reaches into the cabinet and takes out two bowls, filling them with ramen and broth from the pot. I notice he has changed into sweats and a tshirt and his hair is damp.
He turns back towards the couch and jumps a bit when he sees me. I sit up quickly and open my mouth to apologize but he smiles, moving towards me and freezing me in place.
"Glad you're awake. How do you feel?"
He asks gently as leans his hip into the opposite end of the couch, closest to my feet. I nod and stretch a bit.
"A lot better."
I breathe out and smile at him sheepishly.
"Thanks for everything."
I say gently and he chuckles a bit. He waves me off nonchalantly and glances back towards the kitchen.
"I made some food. Hungry?"
He looks a bit proud as his eyes move back to mine. I shake my head, heat rising to my cheeks.
"You didn't have to do something like that, you've already done so much. I can't-"
He cuts me off with a swift flick to my forehead, and I yelp in surprise and cover my forehead. He is leaning across the couch, arm extended as he smirks at me.
"I made food for you. You can't decline so just come eat."
He says stubbornly but he doesn't realize I have been plotting against him. With my renewed energy I reach up and grab his arm, pulling him from the back, onto the couch as he cries out in surprise and comes crashing into my legs and down off the couch.
He manages to grab my arms on the way down and we are both tumbling to the floor, blanket tangling around each of us. His back hits the floor, and my face hits his chest. We are both scrambling to untangle our legs from the blanket and I am trying to get off of him, seeing as I had fallen right on top of him.
We are a mess, working to untangle either of us just to get me off of him. Finally I kick my leg free and roll of him, both of us panting a bit as we stare at each other.
He releases a heavy sigh and runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes falling from mine. My chest tenses up at the realization that I had gone too far, caused him too much trouble, and a shamed blush spreads across my cheeks.
"Jimin I'm, I'm sorry..."
I whisper softly, and it's a moment before his eyes lift to meet mine.

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