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Draco finally decided to show up for after leaving me to wait for him and make polite conversation with a bunch of people when I would rather just talk to him.

"You took your time" I said bitterly to my best friend as he sat down

"Sorry. The fat oaf hagrid wouldn't stop talking" he smiled and I laughed.

"Whatever. Glad to see you anyway" I grinned.

"So last night you needed to tell me something?" he asked as he poured himself some pumpkin juice.

"Oh yeahhh" I began "Alright so last night I was in the library with Hermione and I was listening in to a conversation between Cho and Padma and they said they heard that Pansy Parkinson has a big fat crush on you" I was trying so hard not to laugh.

He choked on his pumpkin juice I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore.

"She fancies me?"

"Yes!" I was laughing so hard I was making a scene "and a lot apparently" I added for his clarity

"What does that even mean a lot apparently?" Draco asked, confusion dancing on his eyes and face.

"According to Hermione, who I told after she asked me why I laughed at a page in Hogwarts: a History, Pansy is obsessed with you and literally wrote 'Mrs Pansy Malfoy' on her Potions book" I was shaking with laughter. I found it hilarious that she thought she stood a chance with Draco after what she did to me in the first year. We both has sort of a vendetta against her.

"Oh my" Draco said, clearly shitting himself due to his inability to deal with girls that weren't me or his mother, especially those who he despised.

"But you're lucky because technically you don't know" I told him seriously, finally over my fit of laughter.

"But I do" he replied confused. This whole situation was apparently very confusing for him.

"But she doesn't know that. You don't even have to acknowledge her because as far as she's concerned you don't know"

Understanding flashed in Draco's eyes which told me he knew what I was talking about.

"Ohhh I getcha" said Draco.

"Hey Draco" Pansy sat next to Draco, practically on his lap. That sly bitch.

Pansy had obviously attempted to straighten her (admittedly very beautiful) natural curls, but failed, leaving her hair to be an absolute frizz bomb. Her brown eyes were touched by her frizzy bangs, leaving the viewer with an impression that her eyes were tiny and her forehead huge. Her top button was undone, and her tie tied rather messily, as if she was in a rush to get down to breakfast after sleeping in.

"Uh-uhm hi Pansy" Draco stuttered awkwardly, almost dropping his fork.

I snorted in an attempt to conceal my laughter, earning a glare from Pansy. That bitch. "Sorry" I said and coughed "Hay fever". I lied in an attempt to divert the attention back to Draco.

It worked and her attention was turned back to the poor boy.  "Draco I was wondering if you could meet up with me sometime on the weekend at Hogsmeade?" she suggested, frivolously batting her eyelashes. I vomited in my mouth and swallowed it with a mouthful of toast.

"Can't sorry" Draco said suddenly. His absolute repulsion towards Pansy was evident as he visibly recoiled. This was too good.

"What? Why?" She demanded, sharply turning from me to Draco, as if to blame me for Draco rejecting her. Admittedly, it was my fault, but it was her fault that she made it my fault.

'Cause you were rude to my best friend' You thought.

I looked into Draco's stormy grey eyes in an attempt to devise his response before he said it. His face was completely unreadable. This was too funny.

"I'm Thinking Of An Excuse" Draco said every word as if it was a new sentence. He was being an idiot and it was honestly the best thing ever. His forehead crinkled in thought.

"About what?" Pansy accused in the most bitter tone.

"I uh I don't know how to tell you this Pansy but-" I could tell he wanted to politely say something along the lines of 'I fucking hate you' but didn't know how to.

"Just spit it out Draco" I told him. It was fun for me seeing him stutter and struggle, but it only made Pansys tone more accusatory. He looked at me pleadingly as if to say 'Save me mother'.

"Spit what out" She looked at me expecting an answer.

"Uhm see well the thing is..." Draco began. She turned sharply to Draco, squinting her already tiny eyes.

"Statim mingarto" I whispered behind my toast, aiming my wand at Pansy. I figured I'd help Draco out as much as I wanted to watch him stutter.

Pansy's eyes widened in surprise as she contracted her abdomen. "Oh, sorry to cut you off Draco but I really need to go. Tell me your reason later" And with that she ran to the bathrooms.

"What on earth was that?" Blaise asked, turning away from Crabbe and Goyle with a big toothy grin.

"Pansy asked me on a date and I didn't want to say no" Draco facepalmed almost dipping his elbow in the butter dish.

"Then why didn't you say yes?" you said mouth full of toast. He death glared me and I just smiled back with all the contents of my mouth showing.

"Shut it" he snapped. His tone softened. "I didn't want to be rude-"

I cut off his useless explanation that would reveal nothing to Blaise so I told him my side "He was struggling so I filled her bladder to buy him some time"

"You did that?" asked Draco looking up from his plate with surprise.

"Yeah?" I said, as if it was completely normal and taken for granted that I would help my best friend, which it is.

Draco scrambled under the table to sit next to me, hugging me then holding me out at arms length to look me in the eyes.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he said as seriously as he could muster with a ridiculous grin on his face.

"Ew piss off" I replied, pulling away with a small smirk.

As Draco pulled back his arms you looked at his watch.

"Shit, sorry, I gotta go, I have astronomy theory at the tower, I'll see you two later" I quickly gathered up all my belongings; throwing my bag over my shoulder I ran out of the Great Hall. On my way, I noticed Pansy walking towards Draco. The poor boy was going to have to deal with her without me.

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