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'Wow' I thought. 'So Draco' soulmate is someone he's fucked'

"Congratulations Draco" I said, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek and wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back, but I noticed his reluctancy.

I pulled away, and saw his eyes swimming with confusion.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Draco, you're halfway there to finding your soulmate. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Fate will bring you together some how, and when you do, I'm making a speech at the wedding.

"But Celia-" he began

"Shush" I said putting my finger to his lips. "According to your mum, there's nothing for you to really worry about. It will all work out. But for now, I have to go, Hermione rushed to the library and I've been worried about her for quite some time. I'll talk to you about whatever concerns you have later"

"If you need to go, you need to go" he sighed. "I'll talk to you later"

"Thanks, see you!" I patted his soft, warm cheek twice before turning on my heel and jogging to the library, making sure to not go to the Great Hall to avoid the plethora of questions that would surely await Draco upon his arrival.

Today was a great day. I found out I was an animagus, Draco found out he already knew his soulmate. I felt so overjoyed on my way to the library.

As soon as I stepped in, the smell of paper hit me, and I was met with none other than Ron Weasley himself.

"Celia, I heard some news about you!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands.

"Oh yeah! Wanna see me transform?" I asked happily. I loved showing people my newly discovered talent.

"Transform?" he questioned. Ron had no idea what I was talking about, he just looked at me confused. His eyebrows fell, creasing his forehead, and his lips pouted slightly.

"My animagus transformation you dumbass. Here, I'll show you"

I willed myself to become the small white fluffy dog, and I felt it happen. Every time I transformed it got easier. I willed myself less, it came easier. It felt more natural and familiar now.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed in pure surprise. He leant down close to me, putting his comparatively huge face annoyingly close to my tiny dog face. Ron didn't seem to understand that I was a human, with human personal space standards, in the body of a dog.

I couldn't very well tell him to fuck off, as it wasn't something dogs knew how to do, so I gave him a huge lick from his chin to his eyebrow, which hopefully got the message through.

"Ew! Gross!" he exclaimed, wiping off the saliva with his sleeve. I transfigured back into my human form and started laughing at him. His face contorted and he continued to wipe his face with his sleeve, before he started to use the other sleeve. He left disgusting wet trails of dog saliva on his sleeves

"You're bloody disgusting. I'm going to have to sanitise myself now Celia you absolute git" his nose scrunched in disgust

"Settle down Ron, I'm sure I looked adorable when I gave you that kiss" I joked.

"You gave Ron a kiss? Your standards have lowered Celia" I heard Harry say while walking towards me and Ron.

"She's an animagus Harry" Ron informed him.

"Really? Wow! Celia it's all happening for you today" he chuckled. He too had absolutely no idea of my new found talent. Hermione had obviously forgotten to tell them.

I didn't really properly understand what he was talking about, so I ignored the last part of his sentence.

"Wanna see me become my animal form?" I asked him. Right now it was fun to transfigure to show off to my friends, but I could tell, with time, this would get irksome and annoying. After all, it was the first day of my new found skill, and I was enjoying seeing peoples surprised reactions

"Sure, why not" he responded. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back, as if to say he didn't believe me and required me to prove it.

Once more, I transfigured myself into my animal form.

Harry was surprised, and yet reacted like a normal human would to any dog, by trying to give it a scratch behind the ears

I didn't really want Harry Potter giving me a scratch behind the ears, human or not, so I bit his hand gently and transfigured back into my human form.

"You think that's bad" Ron laughed "She licked me". He pointed to his chest indignantly

"Ron, in what universe is a bite better than a lick?" he asked, death glaring Ron then me, cradling the hand I bit to his chest.

"I didn't bite you that hard Harry, relax" I told him. "I could've bitten you much harder if I wanted to"

"Shutup Celia" he groaned.

"Harry, give her a break, she's really in for it" Ron said.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked. Ron and Harry had been acting slightly weird, as though they were keeping something from me this whole time.

"Hermione's got some news for you" said Ron.

"Let me be the first to say" Harry grabbed both my hands and held them in his "I told you so"

"You're both being dumb what the fuck is wrong with the both of you?" I demanded. I hated it when people kept things from me, and they clearly were.

"Maybe this isn't a nice thing to do, Harry" Ron said, looking guilty.

"Yeah, I guess" Harry said, also looking guilty.

"Look, Celia, Hermione's got something serious to tell you, and I don't really know how you're going to react, but you can talk to me about it if you need to" Ron said.

"We're both here for you" Harry corrected. "She's in the back of the library. Go find her. We're sorry for teasing"

"Yeah, sorry" Ron looked down with sudden interest in his shoes.

"You're both idiots. I'm going to see what Hermione's so called news is" I pushed passed the both of them to see what Hermione had to tell me.

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