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I ran into the Slytherin common room, tears threatening to well up in my eyes. I was so close to tears it was ridiculous.

I felt so lonely, it was only my first week of Hogwarts and I  hadn't had the chance to make any friends I could talk to. It made me miss my mum more than ever. I felt the presence of her soul trying to comfort me, which ironically, only made it worse.

I needed my family right now. I decided to owl my dad.

"Dear dad," I wrote "Things here at Hogwarts are fine, as far as academics are concerned. Classes are interesting and professors are really nice on the whole. However, I'm starting to hate being a Slytherin. There was a girl I was becoming really good friends with. Her name was Pansy Parkinson, and we had DADA together. I was also talking to boys and girls from other classes. Two boys and a girl in particular. Their names are Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, you know about Harry as I told you about him in my last letter. Well, all of a sudden, Hermione isn't talking to me, Ron won't even make eye contact with me and just today Harry told me he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Pansy said it's because they don't associate themselves with Slytherins, which I thought was silly, because why would they be friends with me in the first place, but it's the only explanation that makes sense at the moment. I feel so lonely, and it's making me miss mum. Her death anniversary is coming up, and I'm scared to be without you for it. But don't worry. I'm sure I'll be OK. I love you. Anyway, thank you for-"

"Cecelia?" I turned around at the sound of my name and saw a boy whose name I think was Draco Malfoy.He was in my potions class but this is the first time we'd ever spoken. I could tell he didn't know me as he called me Cecelia. No one calls me Cecelia except for the professors, everyone just calls me Celia. 

"Oh, Hi Draco" I wiped away the tears I hadn't even realised were streaming down my face.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron want to apologise to you, I think you should go to speak to them" He said with a sudden interest in his feet. He wasn't making eye contact, but he was looking at his shoes. This suprised me because while his words asserted dominance and confidence, his body language promised subservience and timidness.

"What do you mean?" I asked then sniffled. My sadness was slowly being replaced with curiosity even after only a few seconds in company with this strange boy.

"Well" he began, finally daring to look me in the eye, then changing his mind and continuing his in-depth study of his feet "I overheard Pansy say to Milicent that she told the three of them you were only being nice to them, and really you think Hermione is a know it all, Ron is stupid and Harry thinks he's the chosen one but he is too much of an idiot to be the chosen one. And I know for a fact you don't think that, so I exchanged some words with Pansy, and those words may have included an expelliarmus or two, and maybe even a threat to tell her parents somewhere along the track but she did say this. She was apparently worried that her new friend was associating herself with the wrong kind. She was worried that the 'Dumb Hufflepuff Mudblood', who was spending time with Gryffindors was disgracing the name of Salazar Slytherin. Personally, I don't think you would agree that your house affects who you get to hang out with, and after I told Ron, Hermione and Harry the whole story, they asked me to get you for them" he dared once more to look at my face, this time with a small smile, that, in seperate circumstances, could be interpreted as a smirk, but in these, I knew he was being genuine.

My eyes widened in surprise. "You're not lying to me?" I questioned him, unsure if I could trust the mysterious boy with the platinum hair that I'd never spoken to but always intrigued me.

"Why would I lie to you? You're one of the rare people in this stupid school I actually like. But if you don't believe me, go downstairs and ask Hermione. She's waiting to apologise" he eyed me carefully this whole time. It was as if his presence was elevating my sadness and replacing it with curiosity, and I was exchanging his awkwardness for comfort and confidence.

"Really? Wow thank you so much Draco. You're too lovely. Can I talk to you later?" I said walking outside to Hermione, Harry and Ron. My smile was huge and I was sure Draco had seen every single one of my teeth.

"As long as Potter, Granger and Weasley aren't there" he said cheekily, finally daring to give me a full, genuine, happy grin.

I laughed quietly "So they're three of the common people in this stupid school that you don't like?"

He smiled at me "Precisely"


"What on earth?" Hermione exclaimed after I told her what happened in Potions.

"I know. He's not himself" I said shaking my head, still in disbelief of what had happened in potions.

"Or he's been an idiot all along and you're finally working it out" Hermione teased. I was glad she was making light of a serious situation. It helped to make the problem seem smaller, even if the illusion only lasted a few minutes, it was comforting.

"You're the idiot" I countered cheekily.

"The idiot that tops every class" she sassed right back.

It felt good to laugh with her. I loved knowing I had friends other than that douche Malfoy.

"D'you mind if I sit with you on the Gryffindor table tomorrow morning?" I enquired after our laughter had died down.

"Of course" she said. I raised an eyebrow at her. "I mean of course I don't mind you're always welcome"

I smiled the warmest smile I have in a while. "Su casa es mi casa" I said in a horrible Spanish accent and probably incorrect grammar

"You're stupid" she smiled back.

"I know but you love me" I grinned, leaning closer to her.

"I do. It's getting late we should probably head back to our comonrooms" Hermione advised wisely.

"Good idea. Can you fill the boys in for me?" I asked

We both packed up our books in our bags while Hermione said "Sure thing. See you tomorrow!"

I walked back into the dungeons to see none other than Draco and Pansy snogging on the couch in front of the fire.

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