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As soon as I had finished I dropped the letter and it fell to the floor. It fluttered down slowly, swaying left and right, before it almost caressed my dormitory floor.

I had forgotten Daphne was still until her voice cut through my awestruck silence. I was so surprised I wasn't even sure I was conveying a happy reaction.

"What does it say?" she asked nervously, giving the impression she thought it was a rejection of some kind.

"He loves me" I responded slowly, the words really only hitting home till I heard my own words in my ears.

"He loves you?" Daphne almost squealed back in pure happiness.

"Yes! He does! Daph it's the most beautiful thing I've ever read!" I said, stomping my feet on the floor in excitement.

Daphne made an odd noise that sounded like a boiled kettle before she tackled me in another huge hug, nearly knocking me backwards but instantly knocking all the air out of me. 

"I need to see him Daphne" I told her.

"You're seeing him for the first time as soulmates!" Daphne exclaimed.

"No we're not Daph, we're seeing each other for the first time since realising it. I've loved him this whole time, and according to his letter, he's felt the same way about me!" I informed her.

I had already dressed casually, so I just quickly tied up my laces and flew out the door, not even listening to Daphne's response, knowing it would only be a bunch of nonsense about being excited for me. I heard the door slam behind me and I cringed, but continued on my steady pace. I had no idea where Draco was, but I felt obliged to run regardless.

As soon as I turned the corner out of the common room I saw him and my heart leapt.

I felt like I saw him from a completely different point of view.

He was talking to Blaise, and all I saw was the back of his head, obstructing my view of Blaise's face. He didn't notice me noticing him.

'That's Draco Lucius Malfoy' I thought 'That's the boy I love'

I was suddenly filled with an incredibly tidal wave of emotions. The first one, and the most prevelant, was yearning. I wanted to hug him, kiss him and just make him feel loved, safe and special. The next one was just this incredible love. You know that feeling when you see someone you love either do something lovely for you or do something great, and you're just sat there like 'Wow, I love that human. Them's a great human'. Imagine that feeling multiplied by a thousand, as though you've never felt this feeling for this person before, it's been held back by a wall, and that wall has now crashed down and the love is just pouring everywhere, to the point where you're literally drowning in it. The next emotion was just pure joy, at knowing that this was the man I was going to marry and love and cherish for the rest of my life. The final emotion, the least prevalent yet the most noticeable, was fear. I didn't doubt Draco's love for me, or mine for him, but I was unsure of how to go about this whole 'soulmates' thing. He wasn't technically my boyfriend. The last time I saw him I stormed away from him because I was certain I was never going to be in love with him. I cursed my past self for being such an idiot while I rehearsed a speech in my head to deliver to Draco as soon as Blaise left. 

soulmates - a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now