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"Guess what?" Draco loudly whispered in my direction.

"What" I whispered back to him while stirring our potion.

"I have a girlfriend" he announced

"WHAT?!" I whisper shouted back at him. He was radiating proudness, which told me it was obviously someone he'd liked for a while, perhaps Daphne?

"Quiet down the back Celia" muttered Snape. That prick.

"Sorry Sir" I called back to him, though really I wasn't.

I was quiet for about 2 seconds then whispered "Who is it?"

"Pansy" he deadpanned.

No. He was joking. Surely. He couldn't mean it. But he seemed so genuine. Damn that idiot for his pokerface.

"Good one dingus. Now shut up if you want to win the house cup" I tried to keep my voice steady even though it almost faltered because I wasn't sure I believed myself.

"I'm serious" he assured me.

I turned from our potion to look him in the eye. I knew Draco better than anyone else knew him. Even more than his own mother. He was my first and best friend at Hogwarts, and in general.

"You're not kidding" I stated. Reader, please understand, I was not, in any way, shape or form jealous of Pansy Parkinson for being Draco's girlfriend. I was just pissed off he was dating someone he loathed because of what they did to me. Not only that, someone he talked shit to me about 24/7. He didn't even tell me he liked her.

"No, I'm not, but I'm so happy" he smiled a genuine smile.

"Draco what the hell is wrong with you?" I hissed at him, looking him directly in the eye.

"What do you mean?" he asked, in a tone that was an even mix of innocence and aggression, aggression disguised so perfectly that none of his friends would've detected it except for me.

"You hate Pansy! We hate Pansy! Just last night you said, and I quote, 'You can tell she doesn't have any real friends because no one has told her her hair looks like a rat died in it'. She was so mean to me in the first year and you're just going to forget about it go out with her? Not only that, you never told me you had feelings for her, and you're supposed to tell me everything" I cried. I didn't cry actual tears, but the sadness of my  voice was easily detectable. Although Draco seemed deaf to the matter.

"I never said that" he completely ignored what I said about dating someone that was mean to me.

"Malfoy, Cecelia, quiet" (Snape called me Cecelia because my full name is Cecelia Valentina Love, and he obviously doesn't want to call his student Love)

"Sorry again sir" I was quiet again for about 3 seconds this time before exploding with "Yes you did!"

"Ok, maybe I did, I don't remember it, but I really like her" he responded nonchalantly, making no effort to comfort or counter my anger. It may have been an attempt to diffuse the situation, but it only made things worse.

"No you don't" My eyes were stinging. My best friend  is dating my enemy without telling me and it is breaking my heart.

"Who are you to tell me how I feel?" he barked. Now he was finally getting angry. I'd been asking for a fight this whole time and now that it had come I didn't want to face it.

"Your best friend who you talk shit with and tell everything to? Who you were there for when they needed a shoulder to cry on because of what Pansy had done" I informed him. I was trying so hard to not show any emotions but they were clearly showing. People were starting to turn around.

"Are you really?" he finally looked me in the eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Draco what the fuck?" my sentence was worded aggressively, but really I sounded timid and like I was about to cry. Which chances are, I was.

"Maybe I really liked Pansy the whole time and didn't feel comfortable telling you until now because you hated her for no reason" the way he said it made me think he didn't really believe it either, he was just bullshitting to win the argument.

"Draco, you know I hate her for a reason" I gritted my teeth.

"Whatever. But she's my girlfriend now and I don't want to have to choose between the two of you, ok?" Draco said as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"I'm not asking you to choose! I'm asking you to tell me what changed between now and lunch" My voice threatened to break.

"Maybe I just finally felt comfortable telling my super judgemental friend the truth" he sounded so stupid. Like he was parafrazing something he heard but didn't really understand in order to get clarification.

"I'm not judgemental" I shouted. By shouted I mean expressed myself angrily, not necessarily projected my voice loudly.

"I don't want to fight with you about this, all I ask is that you're respectful of my girlfriend" He said distractedly as he read his potions book. I don't even think he was really reading it, he just opened at a random page so he wouldn't have to look me in the eye.

"I'll respect her if she respects me" he was being stupid at the moment but at the end of the day he was still my best friend. And maybe he'd eaten something that wasn't quite right and wasn't fully with it. Hopefully. I didn't really agree with myself

"You can't ask her to respect you after what you did to her!" he said

I snapped.

"Draco seriously what the fuck?" Draco knew better than ever that what happened between you and Pansy was not at all your fault.

"Just shutup Celia you don't understand!"

"Fuck you Malfoy" you spat. We never referred to each other by our last names, so calling him Malfoy was the same as calling him motherfucker.

"Cecelia, Malfoy, finish your draught of amortentia in silence" Snape interjected, clearly loosing his patience.

"Don't fucking speak to me" I told him.

As soon as class was finished I ran out of the dungeons to find Hermione. 

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